UT and ST items Buff


Not much to say here but most of the will be a buff to the respective equipment:



First I would like to talk about Doom Bow. It does have its niche of being pseudo-DPS bow against high Defence targets. The big issue is that it is powercrept by other bows as the game progresses and deemed as something useless when it comes to endgame contents.

Ability name: Septavius’s Mastery.

In my mind, I would give it an ability to toggle its firing mode by double clicking the firing button, giving a “Charging shot” ability. When switched to such mode, its initial damage is 1/2 less potent but each second you charge up the shot, it gets stronger exponentially.

While Key Held:
Draining 40 MP per second.
Disable ALL MP recovery.
Slowed and Armor Broken on self (immune to purification).

When key released:
Deals massively increased damage depend how long you hold the firing key (by seconds).
2x Projectile Speed
Ignores Defence of Target
Shot hits through multiple target and obstacle.

Damage is calculated by: 225 *( damage multiplier ^ amount of seconds charged up).

This alternate firing ability encourage investing for a hybrid of Attack and MP build to get the most damage out per supershot. Reason why I chose getting AB’ed and Slowed is to tackle potential facetanking using Def Effusions + MSeal.


Demon Blade, another one of the OG white bag that haven’t been changed in several years beside of getting resprited. While it does have its use of being a pseudo-Pixie such as staggered O3 or tearing through certain bosses, can’t compete with the today’s meta.

As the description itself says “A swift and hungry blade that is never satisfied with just one kill.”, it gives me an idea of giving it a passive ability to boost its damage each second the sword hits the same target.

Each second when it deals damage to the enemy, it increases its raw damage by 5% (can be stacked up to 5 times if attacking the same target consecutively)


Coral Bow, another OG white that deals a bit less DPS than T12 Bow (at T13 it completely slaps CBow at the face). Solid GLand farming weapon for intermediate players but get outclassed quite easily.

My idea is to give it a proc ability like what Doku has right now except with a twist… Basically copying Thessal’s Coral Bomb’s behavior (because why not?)

On Shoot: Coral Burst

  • Total damage 480 (each fragment deals 40 armor piercing damage)

  • Number of fragments: 6 per arrow.

  • Cooldown: 5 seconds




The Wakizashi of Crossing Fires, itself deal a solid 2,160 damage in average, costing 100 MP, all 4 slashes can be landed quite easily.

Not a bad ability but it got outstripped by its cousins:

  • T7 deals approx 27.05 damage per MP.

  • Heck, even T6 beats X-ing fire by 0.9 more damage and boasting Dex (which Samu appreciates) and HP/MP.

  • Watarimono after the buff deals 37.5 damage per MP (even before the buff, can still beat Crossing real hard). Also, its shot travel behavior is very similar to the respective UT and with longer max cast range.

Here are my solutions:

  • Reduce the MP cost to 90 per cast (which is equivalent to 24 damage per MP).

  • Max casting range should be same as tiered Waki.

  • +5 Att and Vit bonus

  • A 20% chance of inflicting Armor piercing damage (kinda like Amaterasu not consuming Mana 1/5 of the time). Proc is named “Fire’s Wrath”.

image image and other UT/ST abilities (that have 6% XP bonus)

Just buff their XP bonus to 7% to be consistent with other UT/ST abilities.

Actually taking a closer look at Easter Wind, when comparing it to T7 Waki, its Expose duration is only 0.5 seconds longer and its passive stats looks inconsistent to my eye (+5 Speed and +3 Dex)

IDK, anything else I should add?




This robe, giving the same stats as UBMP + UBWis, I do see an use in certain occasion but… a bit of lacklusting in terms of Defence. Don’t get me wrong, I like this Robe except it needs some help.

Ideas to buff it:

  • Give it a +5 Defence

  • Buff its XP bonus to 6%


The recent buff made this armor somewhat usable, but most of time you might want to aim for Levi Armor than Nil. And the respective UT have the same defence bonus as Domi as well.

And based on the description “This armor does not deflect projectiles like most materials known to man. It absorbs and engulfs them, sending them to a new plane of reality.”, it gives me an idea of not taking damage in certain cases.

Effect: Channelling of Nil

15% chance of not taking damage when getting hit. Cooldown: 6 seconds.


After the release of O3, Anni Armor outcompetes CC Armor completely (only 2 defence difference and -10 Dex). I do know that O3 items are meant to be the best items but it caused the respective dungeon itself became the meta.


  • +35 Defence upon equipping it.

  • Reactive Proc: -6 Dex while In Combat.


Not a bad armor when it comes to petless gameplay or when you want to get out of IC status faster. The main issue are: most Realmer view this item as worthless aka forge material.


Increase its XP bonus to 7%

Reactive Proc (Regenerative Spore): While Out of Combat, increase Vitality by 15 (boost is deactivated when returned to In Combat).


May we just say Gladiator Guard beats Mercy most of the time? Again, I do see that endgame items are meant to be the best but making it everything endgame-reliant knocks down game balance.

I propose:

  • +8 Dex/Attack on equip

  • +12 Def on equip

Dynamic Items (Updated 6/26/21)

Adding a “Key Held” function to a weapon could serve conflicts with the same on abilities.

But I agree, the doom bow needs a buff. It’s out-dated due to the many st and ut bows (the tiered bows a crap).


I know there exists a certain attachment for many of these items for being wonderful equips back in the day when life was tougher and we were less experienced, but I feel that preserving their current status is appropriate for the target audience they’re intended for, dropping from those lower skill dungeons. Not every item needs to compete with each other for viability, and I think it’s healthy that they don’t!


I agree with this. It’s funny…got a dbow and dblade today for the first time in 4-5 years.

Seeing the old sprites and using them on my chars was pretty fun for the nostalgia factor at least.

That aside, completely agree…they’re from lower skill-tier dungeons and it makes sense to leave them in their current state.


i don’t think it would be a problem, if the default hotkey for that would be the same as, let’s say, the hotkey for controlling a summon

(also lol, i’ve just done a cland with you and now i stumble upon your comment on the forum randomly)


I too think they are alright as-is. The first UT bow and sword for many players, and although neither is a straight upgrade to tiered they are both powerful and interesting to use. In fact they are distinctive enough they often make good swap-outs even when you have something you prefer.


Yes, you would need another hot-key which has no use yet.

I enjoyed that cland. :slight_smile:


Alot of people forget that enchantment are coming out in motmg. So dont worry about outdated uts man<3




Would you, though? Summoner doesn’t use either of these weapons. And the game seems to be fine with held and tap on various abilities across classes


Jesus, archers max mp with dbow would be 572 with 16 mp pots in backpacks and main inventory and 6 more in the potion hotbar, that gives the archer 2572 Mana. which means you can hold down the shot for 64.3 seconds. if the damage multiplier is Rotmgs damage multiplier in your damage formula
Damage is calculated by: 225 ( damage multiplier ^ amount of seconds charged up). thats 1.51 base or with damaging 1.89 with attack infusions it would be higher than 2. so 225(2^63) is 2,075,258,7018,292,324,556,800 damage since its held over 63 seconds thats 32,940,614,417,338,485,028 DPS


Usually you might charge up its shot for 10 seconds (that translate to 230k damage) on an Archer/Huntress.

Reaching to THAT amount of damage you described can be done but only in very rare circumstance as 1+ minute of being Slowed and getting AB’ed demands a safe zone where you can charge up the shot uninterrupted for this long time.

Also, I have more ideas of buffing other UT’s (more than just those 2 OG’s).


Added Ability + Armor buffing suggestion.


Cbow… Bomb with limited max range on (or in direction of cursor)? If it’s at the sweetspot range I love this. Further emphasis this bow’s strength.

Xing fires… Don’t know if it would be used much more with a mere chance. If it lasts long enough it might. Either way a buff is due and this works.

Robe… Honestly I don’t think this is it. I’d say lean in to it’s current buffs. Rit robe got a buff so either +15 Wis or give an energized on self proc. I wouldn’t use it any more with your buff.

Nil buff… Awesome! Might need to revert to old stats honestly :sweat_smile:.

CC… Definitely an in combat proc. I think either the def buff or -6 dex but yeah.

Fungal… Not convinced this is enough… especially since vit is best when in combat… decreases time in :sweat_smile:

Mercy’s… I think it’s fine as is, but this works.


Well if an arrow hits an target, it would not only deal its 70 damage per arrow but also split to 6 additional armor piercing fragments that deals 40 damage each. The fragments would have a range of 4 tiles. This means an target would take 620 damage in total if both arrows and all fragments hits.

I… can’t decipher what you said right there…

Since when Shroud got buffed? I mean Ritual Robe gives a 7% fame bonus, +20 Wis AND Defence (which Shroud lacks off the most).

I would keep its +26 Def so it can at least compete with Levi Armor. Most ppl would take the respective T15 than the UT…

Def buff to compete with Anni Armor. There is no point of wearing CC when you got T15 that gives similar amount of Defence with no penality…

My idea is to boost Vit further when you are OoC, not during IC.

Gonna compete with Glad Guard somehow…


I’d just like to point that IIRC Deca already confirmed they are never buffing CC, because it is a midgame white, and it shouldn’t be compared with lategame armors such as t14 - t15.

You need to think in that way: Midgame. A white you’re able to get when you have ~t9 gear.

For example: Spirit Staff is an early/midgame white bag, but imagine if it had to be buffed just because it isn’t better than a t13 staff while being a white.

That’s the reason its current statuses are “good”

Also, Mercy’s is good as it is imo.
Glad can stay being better in stats, Mercy’s is a set item, and the complete set is nuts.


others have mostly said what i would have, but one thing i disagree with is you saying mercys is beaten out by glad guard. overall yes, glad guard beats it, it was designed as a sort of “upgraded” state of mercys, but mercys still is the highest dps heavy in the game, having 4 offensive stats more still. id wager for the most dedicated dps builds, mercys still wins out, even if glad guard still is overall better.


Just that I’d rather have a consistent expose than inconsistent armor break, unless my group has another samurai and doesn’t have an armor break. If the armor break lasted long enough (eg 5s @ your 20% chance) it might be worth spamming this to try and get it.

Shroud did not- ritual robe did. You don’t use shroud for the Wis or defense though. I’m saying lean into it’s niche of high-mp ability spam (and maybe give it more Wis, just not more than ritual robe). I wouldn’t use shroud any more if it had 10 def honestly. I just don’t think def is the thing to add to this robe. That takes away from its history anyway (upgraded tlatloni robe). Just commit to the gimmick or leave it alone

Agreed. I just think 1 change you propose (either boost the def or make it lose dex when in combat) is more than enough given the difference in difficulty to obtain.

Exactly, and that is useless. I only care about vit when I am in combat… that’s what gets me out faster. Otherwise my pet is hundreds of vit/Wis.


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