UT trading weekend, wot


SO I have played for 3 years now, over about 4 accounts. I have heard of ut trading weekends, is that gone now? Just a quick question


UT Trading will never come back. Duping is just too prominent. If there were a UT weekend, everyone would have a Jugg, Ogmur, and every LH White.


Ok thanks. Just wanted taknow


No problem.
Also, I’m moving this to #academy:questions-answers.


K thanks


The last time all UTs were tradeable was 4 years ago, 30th Sep 2013.

All other discussion of weekends is just players speaking in hope or in jest/trolling. I think there was even a headline post on the old Kabam forums which said something like “Q: When is the next UT weekend?: Never”, I forget the exacts of it.

Yes, duping is the reason that soulbinding was brought in for UTs originally, because having the very best items available on tap unbalances the game. Still a sledgehammer to crack a nut solution, but overall probably better than not.

Although it gives no justification for the inconsistencies allowing some tradeable UTs (STs) meaning everyone can get a Pixie, Etherite, ST tome/spell, etc.

Previous, relevant:


The people against UT Weekend are the same people that are currently buying 5 Wis for 1 Def because of ‘muh people are running more UDLs’. Just because something is largely in a market/prominently in one, does not mean that it is automatically devalued, there is a chain for these things, if you devalue wis, you have to prove the def went up in value, or def went down and life went up, etc… You can’t just say “Hey, this is this because of this” yet many people do in the community, and they have no idea how economics work, nor how freemarkets work. I COULD sell Life 1:1 for Def, right now, and if I did, would anyone follow my example? No? Why not? You’re practically doing the same thing here, monkey see, monkey do, it’s why we can barely get people to NOT insta the Marble when we have vials.

There is no argument against UT Weekend, not when it can be solved with a few easy steps.

1.Create unique IDs for every single item currently in the game, the new drops all get unique IDs too. Any duplicate IDs automatically get deleted from the server after that point. It doesn’t take away Jimmy’s 8 Crowns stored in his vault, but it prevents Jimmy from getting 16 more.

2.Create Open Testing. Frankly, we’re asking Deca to take a leap of faith here, why not show them that it’s worthwhile with something completely inconsequential to Production Servers? Like PBE for League of Legends. A lot of people said that this would take away the ‘hype’ for Dungeons, but I don’t think hype matters when it will die due to extreme amounts of bugs and glitches that you don’t notice with a small group of people.

This is just my two cents, however, so do with it what you will. Someone else having Ogmur doesn’t suddenly make yours do less damage, in fact, it’s a big help. Instead of acting selfish, we should all cherish that people can do what they want in this game instead of limiting it arbitrarily from the Gold Standard that it started with.

I say this as someone with a Jugg and a Crown. I don’t care if someone else has a Jugg and a Crown, and they got it through trading, I really don’t.


I have one. It would completely devalue all existing UT’s. When you loot a Jugg, you’re in a feeling of disbelief due to its rarity. When you buy one, you just don’t feel the same way.

I still feel like there could be some workaround or exploit that makes that useless.

There was open testing a while ago. Do you know why it was closed? People just played on testing due to free maxing and gear. The reason it works for LoL is because in LoL, it doesn’t take weeks to get up to endgame content from scratch. If it did, no one would play on the production build.


People who still think duping is a thing

The concept of duping gives deca freedom of choice when it comes to almost everything item related, it really pisses me off.


It’s from the secondary evidence of:
almost every maxed melee has a pixie
almost every maxed wiz has a ST spell
the number of UBHP and Deca rings available to the playerbase

Because the drop rate in-game is so miniscule of these items, the only alternatives are:
-people getting them via nexus boxes


SO DON’T BUY IT. It’s that simple, self-control is difficult, but if you truly believe in your virtues then there should be no issue.

Once again, that’s their decision, but like Private Servers, testing doesn’t beat the real thing, people will ultimately come back.

It does though, it takes weeks to hit just Gold ELO, that’s not even early game. They also manage events well to manipulate players into coming to Prod, when they release an event in Prod, they take it off of Testing, so people automatically want to go there.


Or there were just so many of them duped originally, that the market doesn’t notice when people swap the duped ones for looted items. So it looks like it’s increasing because of duping, but in reality it’s just the added loot.


Very true, this is certainly a possibility, and I hope it is the case.

The issue is when an item has a mechanic or device design purposefully powerful but not intended that every event/dungeon/group will always have someone present using that item. (eg Ogmur, Marble Seal)

If items are designed with the intention of only being rarities, but the supply of them is so high that every player has access to it. You might as well put that function onto the tiered item.

If every event/boss/enemy is Ogmur armourbroke always, it is unbalancing for the game. That’s one of the reasons that the best UT items were “supposed” to be such rarities.

Although several other features of Rotmg affect this (pets, autonexus) meaning that items no longer leave the game as frequently as intended. So there is a whole other issue going on alongside this.


When there is a lot of an item, it is automatically devalued. It’s called supply and demand. If the demand stays the same and the supply goes up, then it is devalued.


No matter how researched your assumptions are they are still assumptions. you can’t prove it unless you do it

And since we’re going alomg those lines, well of course you can afford this stuff if you’re maxed

Or actually getting the items? Realm’s active playerbase literally has thousands of players, thats a lot of people running a lot of dungeons.

They currently have no value because they’re sb.

Back when I bought rare uts, I had a feeling of pride and satisfaction in myself because I had to work to buy those things
######restarted 2 times since XD

Of course you should feel disbelief, finding something rare is pure luck.
But grinding items for it makes you feel like you did something more.

Do you really think 2 days of being able to trade UTs will make that much of a difference in the long run, people are going to die with the items.

Thats like saying tiered bows should do 400 - 500 damage because basically every other archer has a dbow. And another thing, the marble seal was really overhyped, it’s okay, but not game breaking.

But not endgame content of course, it’s made for people with those items. Just like a 0/8 wizard can solo Janus, so can an 8/8 knight. But the dungeon is meant for the skill level of one and not the other.
A 0/8 wizard can solo a sprite and so can an 8/8 knight, But the dungeon is meant for the skill level of one and not another. Of course it’s gonna feel unbalanced, as time goes on in the game, people get better at it!!! Thats why you see so many more people with “rare whites”; remember when people said shatters was impossible without priest? People solo it now! The majority of people have better pets and better items. Thats why deca pumps out content that stays fresh. So that there is more to do.

TL;DR : duping is an assumption, the UT weekend will be a mere bump in realm’s economy, most people will die with the items in a few weeks.




This is the thing, you ask around your guild, friends, random players, how many UBHP or Deca they have personally looted (or got from a nexusbox) and it is typically in single figures or none. Yet ask how many they have each possessed and it might be 20, 50, 100, higher numbers. Multiply that large discrepancy across the playerbase and this is why (past) duping is the only conclusion.

It is possible duping isn’t ongoing, as @AlexIY mentions, and just the stores of duped items are still being ground down, but as the months go on, only if the supply dries up to match what players themselves are looting/obtaining, can we be confident that duping is fixed.

There was a time when “sales” offers on RE were numbering in the 1k range, so it’s hopeful signs, to be sure.

Haha it’s a subject that can touch a nerve :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Not when the Gold Standard doesn’t change. Wis is still Wis, it still has the same use, people still need it. Once Life lowers in price, then everything else may be able to tumble, but only then.


So your argument is that “everything will be Armor broken, everyone will have marble seal”. I can just walk around with some guy who has an Ogmur Knight and everything will always be Armor Broken anyways. I see quite a few people with the item as well. But frankly, I’m tired of the people not wanting to run dungeons to run them, but for loot, as that’s not what the game was intended for. Lost Halls is a perfect example. People will literally make it their mission to rush marble just to get a Seal or a Sword, rather than have an awesome experience. The thing is, if noobs get these Ogmurs, they will die anyways, and that Ogmur will be gone quickly. Not every player getting all these items will even use them. Heck, SLVRDLLR still has 2 Ogmurs and 2 Juggs sitting in his vault since the last UT Weekend.


do you have any idea how bloody common that suggestion is?
do you have any idea how common that practice is?
do you seriously think deca would waste time with all these “dupe patches” if that was an option?

even more frequently complained about than sb uts is lag, and forcing the already messy and unstable pile of loose ends that is RotMG to keep track of literally a billion different items is just too much when it can barely handle 1000.

it’s not happening, get over yourself.