Vote for your favorite white bag ability poll closed the winner is: Traps!


What about CWand? Conduct?


And quivers - freezing and qot (altho both are extremely rare)


BRO WHERE ARE THE SEALS?!? pally needs new ability pls


Sorry mate, I reposted it at the top but that got a lot less views/replies


He means 2 WHITE BAG orbs or scepters


A post was merged into an existing topic: StarliAS and JoshBros extra special discussion thread


Locking temporarily until all the off-topic mess is cleaned up.

Split thread 36 replies to it’s own thread:

Deleted a further 17 commenting on the off-topicness of the above 36.

We good? Carry on.




TY Doc


Yay! A thread dedicated to me! Thanks :smiley:


Thus decreasing the amount of notification spam. Thanks Doc. :slight_smile:


I would love the seal because the only UT seal (non ST) is oreo

Oreo also may be the name of andriod 8.0 lelxd


Make sure to vote


I want to see those traps ASAP


The biggest trap ever. I honestly thought it was a lady the first time I watched the movie






can you change the thread title back to what it was before?
I keep forgetting what this thread used to be and “Traps have won! Go make your best traps!” sounds like a lame shitpost instead of a discussion on UT abilities.
