

Recently i have been playing touhou and thought it would be interesting if a walk button was implemented to realm.
It would set your speed to the amount of speed you have when slowed. This is a really helpful feature in other bullet hell games and maybe could be useful for some of the bosses in harder dungeons(Ice Cave, Shatters, Mountain Temple, Shaitans).


I think this idea would help a lot! +1



And the key can be “/walk”. That’d be a cool idea! Simple yet useful. A potential problem can be the fact that you might want to escape or run away from an enemy when you are slowed, and it’s too late to do “/walk” or “/run” or whatever the reverse is. So I guess having a real button would be useful. Where would it be then?


if you were able to toggle a walk function with a bind on the keyboard, perhaps deca can increase the bullet hell aspect to make this more used. +1


Didn’t see that, my bad :stuck_out_tongue:


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