Precision Walking (deliberately slowing yourself down)


Some of us who have played bullet hell games know that there’s usually a button to deliberately slow yourself down, to ease dodging. Now, we can just tippety-tappety our button on where we want to walk, but I’d like to know what you guys think about a button that you could use to slow yourself down:
I’d use the left shift key to do it, though it can be rebindable, and the speed decrease starts from 10% to 60%, set through the options menu.

Do you think this would be a nice addition, or is this unneeded?


Hmm, seems to be a good idea, I’m sure most wouldn’t even use it.

I would say holding would make you faster or slower, or holding could change the speed.


I don’t know about giving this ability for every class, but Unicornsla had this idea about a shuriken that inflicted slow on use:


This could be the ability of a new class…?


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