Warrior Nerf (Class Re-balancing)


My one and only issue with warrior is his defense, reducing his max defense by 5 or 10 and he’d be perfectly balanced in my opinion. Still does an assload of damage, just less tanky.


But the only time when your individual dps really matters is when you’re alone, in which case paladin has the 3rd highest in the game.


I don’t think they need to rework any class besides Assassin as it’s basically (in my opinion) the most useless class now, it’s obsolete. I instead would like hard dungeons with less mobs that can take status effects like stun/paralyze/ and curse/armour break since those are the effects that make fights so easy and with the ogmur event that happened, everyone seems to have one now and armour breaking is far too common!

Please provide some feedback on my opinion so I can see your views on this. :slight_smile:

The paladin isn’t weak at all, I don’t think you play it correctly, but I main paladin and I do dungeons, rushes, and fights way easier with it than with say, a knight/warrior of which I have 8/8’s of all three. Paladin is so overpowered with the seal if you have a good enough pet to perma buff, like I can. I like it because I loved priest before pets got abilities since I like to play support classes, but it makes the game a bit boring for how OP the class is.
But, it all depends on the pet, when I take the long pet stasis effects, my Paladin usability is basically cut in half since I can’t heal a lot through sick, and I can’t use my mseal to tank like a warrior with jugg and their respective effects like damaging and armoured on mseal, and berserk and armoured on warrior.

I think Paladin is meant for support playing players, and knight is for those players who like to chill and just play the game relaxed while the warrior is for the daring types, but that’s all based on my perspective of the situation.


make warrior buff range bigger and increase cooldown slightly


Knights shield needs as a rework, won’t elaborate much here since it’s elaborated everywhere but essentially replace stun immunity with stun cooldown (similar to stasis cooldown).

Warrior is fine as is; it’s a great class to solo on and shred things to pieces but the speedy makes for some sketchy moments since accidentally speeding through a projectile-dense area hurrrrts. Both a blessing and a curse.


Wait how?


I honestly think the wizard needs to be nerfed and Mystic needs to be buffed. The Mystic class is so underrated and thought of as the cancer of RoTMG, it’s not just based off my opinions, I’ve started playing Mystic and I’ve been getting really heated comments at me but I’m innocent, I don’t purposely stasis unless I’m helping someone rush. The Wizard needs to be nerfed, it has high range and basically is a kamikaze class but doesn’t die.

Also I think the Samurai needs a rework, no one plays it besides for stars. It’s boring.


You’re telling me you don’t see 30 wizards?


In my personal opinion both the knight and the warrior serve the purpose they were created for to a tee. The knight essentially is a tank that has an ability that helps squishier dps classes like the wizard stay safe and in alot of content such as O2 can be the difference between living or dying. On the flip side the warrior provides value in the dexterity buff he provides while dishing out damage himself. The Knights timing is key as well if you screw up you can end up dead in a hurry as for the warrior he can easily be overwhelmed if not running Jugg similar to a priest and its prot.


You sure?

Samurai is a very “polarized” class, if I may put it like that. Some people really love it (f.e. me), others just can’t get into it (f.e. you).
I do agree that Samurai has to have some sort of speed increase - 55 seems fine.


My opinion:
Archer: Fine
Assassin: Ability rework, maybe some higher survivability too
Huntress: 100% needs to change. +Dex, -Atk, +Spd, an ability buff
Knight: Honestly does exactly what it needs to. Chainstunning needs to be fixed, however.
Mystic: Orbs need to change. ST Orb needs to be different, Conflict gotta be buffed. Tiered orbs could use tweaking.
Necromancer: I like the necro. It can stay unchanged.
Ninja: What can I say? It’s supposed to be a glass cannon and that’s exactly what it is.
Paladin: Buff needed. Preferably in DPS or speed…
Priest: Good. T6 needs to have speedy removed.
Rogue: Fun. More UT cloaks would be cool.
Samurai: I haven’t actually played this one :stuck_out_tongue:
Sorcerer: Fun to play with, esp with deva. I think it can stay.
Trickster: 0.5 secs of invulnerability after a tp would be cool, but other than that I like it.
Warrior: My main. Loving it, tbh. No nerf plz
Wizard: Like the ninja, does what it reads on the tin. No changed needed.


In my opinion, the issue is that Early-Kabam/Wildshadow obviously never intended for pets to be as broken as they are now. You can do something like chain-stun or perma-speedy/berserk (yes there is a like 1 sec cooldown, but its one sec) just by buying a good pet or grinding for fp. Deca thinks that the solution is to (a.) unleash a shit-ton of pet-stasis (which imo is fine) or (b.) making dungeons basically unplayable from a melee perspective (which is not good). Honestly, I like option a but I feel like there should be a way where you don’t have to see that stupid cat at the top of your character to have a good and engaging boss fight. Make bullets have weird status effect, put an emphasis on dodging. This is just a word dump of reasons that probably doesn’t make cohesive sense but these are things that I feel should be examined.


here’s my view about the warrior:

yes, he is a very strong class, like the knight.

No, neither he nor the knight need a nerf or rebalance.
Both of them are very tedious to max without using a farming char for pots, and when unmaxed on def, they are rather dangerous to play due to low range and little def. Someone who maxes a warrior or knight without trading pots or using a farming char, then they should be able to play a strong class as a reward for their hard work.


Pally overpowered as frak.

150 heal for 90 mana, and wismod scaling as well (AND HEALING)

Damage boost for group.

With Sb these days do you really need to have high dps. (even so pally had 3rd in the game)

Um srry about grammar…


being “tedious to max” doesn’t stop the end-product from being overpowered, and we’re talking about power of the class, not how hard it is to max. All that means is there’s a larger chasm between this class and most others, maxed and unmaxed. That’s precisely how you tell what makes a class unbalanced. They’re all tankier, have access to far more hp (50 more hp than daggers/ninjas, 70 over bows, 100 over robes), and access to bplate, whereas the others only have leaf-hide or soulless if they want to be tankier.

Stop posing this positive as a negative. Just because you complain about pouring more def into a knight than a wizzy doesn’t make it weaker.


They are balanced, as much as they can be. Pets did unbalance them, more than other classes. Pre-pet high def + HP meant melee, especially Knight and Warrior, could stay in the fight a little longer, take a few more hits, before retreating. But with pets against a wide range of enemies they never have to retreat and are OP.

But since then three things have changed. First many other classes have been buffed to make them more viable, interesting or both. Second much content released since pets includes elements that counteract the OP melee + pet combo, with anti-melee/anti-pet shot patterns and status effects.

Third and most recently enemy scaling and damage threshold changes mean melee can no longer steamroller enemies, and are no longer the only ones to get loot due to their high DPS. You can still play melee if you prefer, but any other class is viable for doing SB damage and getting loot.


With all the stun-immune bosses and high damage shotguns, it’s pretty safe to say that melees are having the shorter end of the stick in terms of end game content. If you’ve ever done halls runs and have had the RL ask for more melees, you’ll get the idea that melees aren’t exactly in the strongest position in the status quo.


But the RL’s ask for more melees because melees are helpful, provide buffs and increase group DPS = decreased run times. LH in particular, RL’s often require a certain amount of melees before they will attempt a void run because they are just that useful; knights stunning big bois and the other two providing much needed buffs for each corner to prevent platform from shrinking too much.

The main reasons why people don’t go melee is (a) lack of characters or (b) the false perception that playing melee in an endgame dungeon is more dangerous than ranged, not that melees are inherently worse off in those situations.


On the OP question:
I’ve been playing a bit of no-pet 6/8 warrior and it’s a lot more challenging, needing to dodge. It’s very well balanced with no pet, it’s only the too-high HP heal from a strong pet that makes it feel broken by allowing tankimus maximus playstyle.

It’s a curious thing that HP scale has removed one of the old reasons to play DPS classes: to guarantee getting your SB in amidst a crowd, while adding a new reason: to help get the fight over quicker.


How are you comparing the classes? paladin definitely doesn’t have the 3rd highest DPS in the game.

Im not trying to say the paladin is a super weak unplayable class, Im just saying that he’s the weakest of the 3 melees damage-wise, his base stats are lower than the other 2 melees and he doesn’t get any def from his seal (unless you have an Mseal)

I personally just think he should get a dexterity boost, his dex is way too low at 45 compared to the other classes’ 50 and the warrior’s 75 attack.

Im saying that they can die pretty easily without a jugg, your video doesn’t go against my point at all, you may not have survived that shotgun even if you had your armoured boost, as they do way too much damage