

I guess b/c warriors deal so much damage and make it hard to get sb.


What about war against knight?


Only Dreadrake “does”


Tru i also like using them, but gave up after it died, needed 1 more def pot till 3/8


Not many people do, just me.


Some are just jealous of warrior’s extensive range of headwear.


When I rank the classes 1-14 the warrior is #3 and the highest of the melees. I love playing on it, but competing against one for soulbound damage can sometimes be difficult.


Please share the others
Is there a system of ranking


I dislike him because he still maintains his tankiness of being a melee, has a MASSSIVE amount of dps, and is also really friggen fast. Removes the need of literally every character that isn’t a wizard


DreadDrake mainly.


1 word, 9 letters



I have officially converted from a warrior main to a wizard so DreadDrake won’t have to drag dem ice adepts on me anymore


I personally dislike the Warrior because it is ridiculously overpowered with pets in the game.

People who absolutely love the warrior love it for the same reason I’m sure.

I like a balanced game tbh.


Idk why tho … people say Warriors make a lot of dmg and steal the loot but tbh … thats not true


I mean… they do do the highest dps out of all the classes… and its ability only increases it… and they’re one of the tankiest classes in the game… and they can rush… (haha doodoo)


Three words - Public Ocean Trenches


Definitely before the Thessal changes, but now I loot in there often enough on any class to not bother caring to swap onto warrior.


Ah, I forgot about the change. I stopped playing often a month or so before then.


It really was the best class, I’d rather have missed the whole trench trying to swap to warrior than end up in there on any thing else, but yeah since that change it is wonderful to stroll in on a priest, dodge a couple of the weakening shots, and hello lootbag.


Was surprised to see a topic labeled “Warrior” that wasn’t started by DreadDrake.

My beef with the warrior is the same beef with all of the heavy armor classes.

Back in the day (before pets) the role of these characters was to be able to take lots of damage with high defense and high health, and manage to hold their own with moderately high vitality. The priests that stood WAAAAAAAY far in the back would periodically heal, alongside the paladin for good team effort. Back in this time paladin was by far the most powerful class as there was only 2 abilities back then, the wizards spell bomb, and healing tomes, of which both paladin and priest could use them. So everyone that had the class used paladin.

When the big update rolled around that gave other specialty items abilities alongside stat increases (shield bash, cloak, etc.) there became a better reason to want to use other classes besides paladin.

Now from that digression to the future, what has changed since then to skew so many people to melee and for the worst characters/least played to be mainly long range?

1 word - PETS

Petspetsetspetspets, oh for the love of everything holy, pets. Pets can heal both your mana and your hitpoints. Why would you ever want to make an 8/8 paladin that has a healing ability when you have a pet that can outdo your own healing capacity? What’s a priest, you mean that old class that used to have a decent role in this MMO that is now more of a joke without 1-3 key tomes (T6, puri, prot)?

I’d much rather make a mystic, or even better, a warrior that has an ability that sends my DPS through the glass ceiling into the OP zone and not have to worry about getting my ass fried because I have a pet that can heal me better than all but the best of the priests. Hell, I have a rare pet that heals me 24hp and 6mp every 5-6 seconds and I feel like a god already. Spend lots of time and effort plus a few buck here and there and vioala! A pet that can allow me to be perma buffed and heal me for all the health pots I can carry in under 30 seconds.

Never worry about loot, or death again! Buy your legendary pet today for 3500 gold coins and start maxing.