What did you dream of last night?


Platformz casts Dissonant Whispers


Had a dream where India apparently cut the entire state of texas out of america and craned it over to fill a hole in their country during the 1800s, but it was retrieved and placed back in the USA, where they then proceeded to make an artifical texas to put in india


I don’t know why that made me laugh so hard.


this was only a snippet of a larger, very lengthy and convoluted dream of several unrelated parts, but it’s the part that was far and away the most vivid and that I liked the most:

I was floating in the air about a foot or two off the ground, my legs felt bound to each other and my feet felt like they were encased in lead. despite the weight, it did not affect my ability to float and neither the added weight nor the leg binds were uncomfortable. I could also “swim” through the air by sort of drifting through it, and it felt much thicker and tangible like it was water, but even more so than if it had actually been water. I sort of swam about a bit like a flying mermaid and it was cool and made me feel way more graceful than I actually am irl. I said my legs felt bound because it’s entirely possible I actually was a mermaid and not in some convoluted bondage setup below the waist, it’s just that I never looked down there so I never verified.

the best part about this is how real it felt, even if I wasn’t entirely aware of everything surrounding me or even my lower half it all felt so real to me. it was way more “solid” as an experience than anything else in the dream, most of which I don’t even remember anyway.


My school continued to operate whilst covid was ongoing. I couldn’t figure out what subject I had for the period or what classroom I was supposed to go to, despite literally looking at all the subjects I had on my school timetable app. So I ended up stumbling into a year 8 classroom and just sat at the long black couch awkwardly for some time. The teacher comes in, drops duffel bags filled with dumbbells onto the ground and I just started picking them up and lifting them for no reason. And then I put them down, knowing I shouldn’t be in a classroom of year 8’s. Needing to go to the correct classroom, I left, with the teacher yelling behind me to listen to her or something. I then entered the classroom I was meant to be in, still with uncertainty.

As the last person to arrive, I sat down at the only spot left available in the classroom, on a soft material. A bed. Something like 15 or so students and the teacher somehow were just sitting on the bed. What makes absolutely no sense about this is 1. 15 students on a double bed is absurd, and 2. The classroom I was in was my parents’ bedroom. Nevertheless, I considered this oddity normal.

My teacher then turned on my parents’ TV and the class had to watch a horror movie produced by a few students in my class. In this horror movie, there was this evil mastermind who looked after a daycare or something but it was in an ominously enormous and cobblestone-like mansion. He slaughtered all the children, one by one, unsuspecting to them. These children then took vengeance on anyone who stumbled upon the mansion, using statues placed around the mansion as vessels to wreck havoc.

There was a private detective who had stumbled into the mansion, and two spherical green-aura-like masses manifested and started chasing him. Then a dog (indeterminable breed) with blonde human hair came towards the detective, offering help, and then after the detective accepts, immediately says “I can’t help you” and just disappears. So the detective continued running further into the mansion, and these black masses similar to hellhounds manifested and started chasing him as well. Finally, he succumbs to the mastermind’s plans as he gets consumed by the hellhound. The creature then makes its way to the entrance, where it met with the other hellhounds. It then began glowing green, a sickly green, until the only thing they could see is green. This green glowing creature began rushing frantically away from the pack and back into the mansion.

Then outside of the mansion, it was dark out at night and a very snowy-like biome. From the horizon, two men with rocket launchers, assumed to be hunting the hellhounds, were moving towards the mansion and began firing. Behind them was an army. A massive one. They were all dogs. And hidden behind one of the trees was a man with a flamethrower. The firing of the rocket launcher and flamethrower lit up the dark.

Now the scene randomly cuts to a prince and a princess, both with magnificently blonde hair, their heads adorned with crowns. The princess says "woof!". The two individuals were both dogs with blonde hair and crowns on them. And then the Wii sports resort song begins playing. The end…

Then the student says that the movie was inspired by final fantasy IV (I haven’t played nor remotely understand the plot of any of the final fantasy games). Don’t forget he says this as he is sitting on my parents’ bed along with everyone else. Then I woke up.

School timetable app (very simplistic, you should try it): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.icemediacreative.timetable

Nothing beats this:

FNAF Purple Man:

Dog Island:

Wii sports resort theme: https://youtu.be/aZhJIns8J3U

Everything I need to know about Final Fantasy IV: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_IV


Let me tell you, Final Fantasy 4 has one of the more ‘what the fuck is going on plots’ but strangely has nothing even slightly to do with your dream. And yet if you haven’t played it one wonders why it came up in a dream? :thinking:

also seems to be a large amount of murder in your dreams, side note :upside_down_face:

Love how dreams casually send you from places like your place of education into your parents bedroom and your brain just thinks ‘yup, normal.’


I did watch a few FFVII Remake vids back around April, and although it looked interesting I did not want to figure out the plot of 15 entire games. ‘“What the fuck is going on” with my life decisions’ is what’s lingering in my mind tbh.

I’ll just say you’ve made me reflect on myself a bit more and helped me to help myself gain insight into an issue I have


had another weird one:

I moved out into my own place and I got a kitten so I was playing with her and getting her acquainted with the house and such, you know when you first get a pet and you have to do a bunch of stuff to get them settled in. the weird part is that apparently she was young enough that she was supposed to be drinking milk from her mother even though she had her fur and was clearly too old for that by this point, so I ended up letting her drink mine? I don’t know why the kitten had to be fed like that and I don’t know why my milk was acceptable for cat consumption, I know I definitely didn’t give birth to this kitten I 100% adopted her from someplace. dream-me didn’t think anything was weird about it but as soon as I woke up I was like “wtf just happened”. other than that one small little detail it was a perfectly normal environment with nothing interesting going on, I was just nursing a kitten for some unfathomable reason.


You have a dream familiar now? I suppose you still have that witch hat on, after all.


I had a dream last night involving train stations, hijacking an airplane, indoor bouldering (on things that aren’t meant for bouldering) and lockers. I don’t remember the plot.


On the 10th of October I texted this to myself while waking up:


Last night I dreamt.
I was near the front side of a train with roughly 30-40 classmates in it, and accidentally disconnected the train from the locomotive pulling it by unwittingly pressing a button.
This caused the train to derail and end up on the highway with no real method of controlling it. I was trying to keep everyone calm via the intercom system and gave some advice on how to exit safely.
We were starting to slow down so I opened the door and considered jumping out. However we were still going around 40kmph and it wasn’t safe to leave yet. Eventually we were launched up a small hill and I used that opportunity to jump out. I bounced off the grass ~6 times and eventually got off with little more than a couple bruises.
As I was walking to the wreckage of the train, I came across several survivors. I confessed and apologized to them one by one, the likely deaths of many of my classmates filling me with guilt and sadness.
One of my classmates gave me his notes of the things I had said to keep people calm and safe and that made me feel better, if only a little. I stored away the note so that I could cherish it in memory of my fallen classmates.


Sometimes when I’m in the process of waking up (like changing, removing contacts, etc.), I fall back asleep and dream that I’m changing or something, and then when I wake up a couple minutes later, I’m confused.


I had this weird dream where my brother was being chased for some school project by some of his classmates, like for a theater or something, and they were fending eachother off with swords.
I tried to find one of my own to join him, but I couldn’t find any (and for some reason @Poshun was dead. I don’t know why, I just remember hearing them being dead and being very very sad about it :c), so I ended up just slapping them with paper.


seelpit is no longer the swimsuit ninja

What has happened to the world


look idk about you but I wouldn’t be wearing a bikini outside in this weather


Life hack: transform yourself into ice to no longer get cold outside. Wear bikinis in winter! Get trapped in a snow dome! It’s got it all!


She’s still swimsuit ninja, it’s just inside the orb


Ahh, I see it now.
I was very worried at first


I had this dream that there was this sick building that all the forumers were in, and it was huge. Like all the forumers were there irl, and everybody had there own room. I was in a wing of the building with Gamma and Demonseye, and I had some interesting images of you guys irl. Gamma looked as his old pfp was (I know, shocker) but Demonseye has brown hair, kinda tanned skin and really liked theatre. Idk why Demonseye was like that in my dream, but who knows. So for breakfast everybody was called down into this extravagant dining hall, and I encountered JimDaFish. He told me where to sit and then we were all served. The whole place was run by Shatter and Xaklor, but JimDaFish, XbookwyrmX, and Mynamerr were their assistants.
I don’t remember anything else because my brother made a ton of noise and woke me up lol