What happened here? [Snake Pit Glitch]


hmm… can anyone explain?


uhm… deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccaaaaaaaaaaaa! come heEEEEEEEERE! You ruined this Person’s Snake Pit Experience! this is unacceptable! this MUST be stopped! you could’ve cost this man either 50 cents, a potential White Bag, or a long time farming in Godlands.


This thread might be able to help. Had a similar problem, but this is a rare occurrence to say the least


Dude wtf, I’m out here collecting pungis while these lucky gamers get all the fun rng generation funk. I mean, pungis have a value but its mossstly in materials for me.


From the thread @DeeBomb posted:

Seems they didn’t manage to find a failsafe for this in the reconstruction - likely because it is so dang rare to even come across it!


Thanks for the explanation!


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