What skin did you get?(Including Motmg, mystery skins, halloween,etc)


I got a brown bousheep when i seriously needed a ??? family pet stone for fuse ;-;


You have like a 90% chance of gettiing a bouncesheep




Not officially but most probably. It’s also like how almost everyone get’s sheep. And not just because there are more sheep skins then any others. What I mean is that disproportionately group get’s sheep skin


I got Red Nosed


Nice, you lucky bastard. That was what I really wanted


wtf??? you guys are so lucky I wanted bounsheep cuz it’s cute AF :frowning:

got the stupid red nosed skin instead


I used it as 2k fp because that’s its only use


I got nothing. I don’t get on enough to get the rewards.


:cry: I missed the entire motmg event and remember feeling salty when I found out the oryx bag gave big rewards


Rip. I have no regrets though, it’s just a game.


Got the madrid skin xddd


I lucked out and got the only pet skin from gold that I even slightly like: Madrid, but my current pet (Manticore) is very good too and I don’t want to change it, so I am currently keeping the Madrid pet stone in my vault as a vanity of sorts.


false, all it gave were a bunch of mystery skins of which i got a stone knight and tide chaser, so basically 4000 fp except i used the stone knight skin even though i already have slurp knight


Well some of my friends got big rewards. I really wanted a lot of the stone skins too :cry:


stone skins are overrated imo


Some of them look very good with cloths on though


Out of the pool of 8 pet skins I could get, I got brown bouncesheep(which was the 2nd most one I wanted, I wanted the reindeer the most.)
I got 4 mini polaris skins during the ice tomb event, so I’m glad I didn’t get a fifth one from the log-in calendar.


desert cobra LMFAO what should i do with it


I still have the cactus from Cinco de Mayo…bet no one has a better pet than that lol