What type of realm player do you hate the most?


well okay in the case that you’re in a dire situation that’s obviously understandable. some of it may be my own bias due to slight jealousy, but the obvious cases of Too Cool for School white stars do exist to a fairly large extent and they really piss me off


oh also, i really can’t stand people who latch to the meta like there’s no tomorrow in a game like this. your opinions about which classes are worse and which are better are valid, but, have you seen how little it matters in a really packed dungeon? just play the class you have the most fun with. personally for me that’s ninja, and thats quite alright. this goes for items too - don’t not make a class because you don’t have the perfect ut’s or st’s for it. i have that problem too but i feel like you’re missing out on a very very fun time by abandoning experimentation


The ones that sit in the boss room in CLands.


no u


The ones like you bug me quite a bit. Jeez. What’s up with you.

Other than that, the ones I really hate are all the blue stars because they are inferior noobs who suck too much to be in my presence. Honestly, they should all just leave the server whenever a real player like me enters the realm.




The General Chat Thread

Beggars, people who randomly pm you asking for items or just spam it in chat. I also hate people that spam shit like BUYING LIFE FOR 6 DEF or anything like that in servers other than USW2


im so sorry… im going back on what i said, and i’ve decided that i hate each and every player, including myself, for a different and wildly abstract reason for each of them



Thaaaaaank yooouuuuu

Someone gets it!

Right? Let’s trash people who funded the game that you’re playing🤔



Lmfao gottem

@Orsome damn it 40 minutes too late


I fucking hate people who ask what weapon to use on chest


got to hate people who don’t clear room next to boss is parasite


Yo what weapon do I use on the chest


1- Hackers.
2-People that try to scamm
3- People that think they are the best.
4- People that call and enter immediately in the dungeon…
5- Ah, in trade server, when I’m in my spot calm with only two lines of words, the people that spam like 8 lines and try to fight for my spot… They give up after a few seconds. But thats also annoying.
6- People that hate on specific classes. Like “Hey, I only use melees. Assassin/Sorcerer is trash”, to get the idea…


Doesn’t that pretty much explains everyone who plays the game?:thinking:


I hate all the people that go ‘Sellling [Insert Random Sh*tty item here] for op’, like srsly who gonna buy that stuff.


I hate @Pancake and @Muffin


Most RLs in pub halls/mch. They’re incompetent, never shut the fuck up (seriously, you shouldn’t be saying a single word during mbc), and generally abuse power if they feel like it.

People who spam the chat

People who crash dungeons

People who support/do duping, cheating, etc.


The one that calls a dungeon and then in the same moment goes in.


No. There are people that aren’t like that at all.