What type of realm player do you hate the most?


I don’t really have a problem, it takes like 3 seconds to block them.

I probably have one of the largest block lists in the game at the moment lol


No it’s MINE !

One day when i was a blue star i throught the pop server was USW2 so i was like there for 10 mins blocking every trade spammers


tbh I barely block anyone in game.

I only block actual bots/ someone who is spamming WAY too much (and I do a lot of spamming when in the mood)


I can’t just pick one…

-People who call out pops and then don’t.
-People who call out false dungeons.
-That one guy that sits in the corner of the DDocks spawn and says ‘tp’ when someone finds the exit.
-People who put down other’s achievements, i.e. when someone gets a Coral Bow and everyone says “lmao cbow sucks.”
-People who ask for overpay
-Leechers who leave when it’s taking too long to get to the boss. Did you ever try helping out?
-People who have zero patience when it comes to popping a dungeon, i.e. people that start insulting you after you didn’t pop the dungeon in the last .072 milliseconds of them teleporting to you.
-People who think the color of your star determines how important you are/how valid your opinion is. It’s a fucking different color, grow up.


I hate the players that insult you and discredit you because of star color, like seriously, you can remain a star tier for years and still be insulted because of it


Wait, is star tier different here then in game?

The General Chat Thread

Oooh, a new type of person to hate! That one person that steals items from public bags when you are leveling even though they can’t use it for their class. Sorry that me trying to make a ppe is such a problem for you that you have to take items that I would use, maybe if you took half a second to think you would understand why ref stars are objectively the worst star because literally every time this happens it’s a red star.


lol didnt think ppl would actually do that


Have you ever tried playing the game? It happens, I specifically posted about it because it happened.


I’m kinda an LH noob, but from my experience, I, and a lot of other players, have been saved because of the RL leading during MBC.


I love my RL’s.


For luck you may like to use: Kendo stick, Fire sword, etc
For DPS you may like to use: Dblade, EP, Leaf bow, etc


Eww, I hate players like you who do discord LHs.

Watch me do 20 pub halls and have only 1 successful run.


Give it some time, one you know LHs their constant mouth flapping makes them more of a distraction.


Oh yeah I was doing TPE and desperately need t4 katana then after I finish screenshoting, the katana is already picked up by a random huntress. Took me 30 minutes to find another t4 katana :sweat:


Don’t do ppes much so guess I haven’t experienced something like that yet


Those that hate people for playing a class they don’t like


Hahahha. You won this game!


You play on public lh or sbc, because mch rl are… what can I call them. Well… they just think they are the best and are just toxic (there are only like 2 or 3 decent trial rl/rl there, that almost never lead runs, atm). A lot of them don’t even know cult phases. Neither they count the 12 shotguns for newer raiders. They only know how to be toxic, ask to kick non melees classes, hate on non melee classes and talk about hacking. A few even hacked already… imagine needing to hack… this to show how “good” they think they are
People may say to me just to do public halls, but I lost to many runs because the amount of players on that discord. And sbc, although being the best lh discord, only do runs on weekend, during events :frowning:



T H A T ’ S R A C I S T

( I hate player’s who have an L in their name)