What Was Your First Event White?


I picked up a (duped) cdirk in Nexus back when that used to be a thing. Still have it in my vault. Also have an Ogmur, from the OT event chest. Also still in vault.

Real real real event whites? None.


Eh my first event white was a tablet too! And my first on an illegal piece of data as well so I’ve had two first tablets, yay me!




Jugg, few months back.


Quiver of thunder


QoT is an event white? hell naw




I have Ray katana.


Ogmur, and…


First: Ray Katana Last: Ogmur


Shield of og… oh wait never got an event white.



Oreo. Died with it on an 1/8 pally (maxed dex) to a grand sphinx. It wasn’t even equipped upon death.

That was 5 years ago. I was a pleb.




Mine was a cdirk from a cube god on top of an avatar


Cdirk, but instantly lost it to an overseer


QoT when i was still a noob and like 11 stars in


ray katana, yippee






Ray katana. Thankfully my luck has been ok with even whites ever since. Got my 3rd tablet yesterday and I dont know what to do with it T.T