What Was Your First Event White?


Nothing. I don’t play anymore though.


Jugg, but I died with it after two days. The next week I got an Oreo and CDirk in that order. All are now deceased.


vile spirit




Haha nice.


Still haven’t gotten one :frowning:


I would count it. It drops from something that is a setpiece boss and it’s REALLY rare.


Oh Dear…


Flashback to 6 years ago, first event white i got was an oreo.




3 ray katanas have been my only event whites ;~;


I never got a white bag…


I still haven’t gotten an event white… I’ve played this game for well over 6 years, and I still haven’t gotten any event whites ;c

I have gotten 2 Gemstones though :eyes:


Ray… Then cdirk… then tablet… yey…


3 rays in a row for my first ones… heh.


Bloody cloak :3


Cdirk on my main, 2 ogmurs on my alt


For someone who made fun of me for having a “white bag high” at least I never had to make a forum post about it. I don’t even post my crap in the white bag thread.




I think it was a Juggernaut that I got, before my Conflict.

The Assassin depicted perished yesterday, sadly…
It affects me more than I thought on the surface )’: