What would you do if you owned Realm?


well it would be very hard, but i think it would be worth it, i need to learn to code first.

  1. port the game to not flash

  2. wis mod

  3. tradable uts

  4. market board.

  5. seasonal dungeons

  6. community content.

  7. conduct intentional balence = unbalance.


wipe the servers ( cuz why not? )
rework everything
make a 16/16 system


You moved me fookin’ cup, mate.

edit: added d after move


not how that would work, sorry. the second one wouldn’t be able to get a valid tag so it wouldn’t work.


Most realistic answer here. Lol.


we don’t need more events


I would give every veteran player any white they wanted.


as in delete everyone’s progress?

good job, you just killed the game.


make an event in every dungeon, add a shitload of key boxes, then sell the game


just an idea


Definitely slow down the events because its about fun not money and since it’ll be more fun, I’ll still be gaining money. But the servers would be fixed and less frequent events.


I concur, this game has turned into just buying keys or waiting for others to buy keys, it’s sad.


PVP for starters!!! And a sort of practice mode where every item in the game, including white bags, is layed out for you and you can use any weapon, ability, ring, armor/robe on the class you have (being it is the correct class) and you can shoot a dummy that makes harmless enemies spawn around you so you can practice with the items you chose. And last, but certainly not cringiest, UN-SB ALL ST/UT!!!


I wonder what DECA has made in gross and net pay from their entire reign of our beloved septic tank.




They love to sit on their throne and add “content” to this “septic tank” :wink:


Jugg warrior dblading à 6/8 ppe sounds fun


You know it :wink:


Condu (for wis) + St scepter + Shendyt + Geb ring = Insta without even aiming (Even with hp scaling this would be INSANELY OVERPOWERED)

Don’t be insulted I just don’t think the classes are balanced enough for pvp


isn’t condu + para scept + ritual + geb ring more damage