What's so good about campaign? Why does the game itself (not Deca) benefit from it?


Not very important but try to give the context of the quote. “Some people are saying chest events would kill realm in the long run”. Also my point is that it doesn’t matter whether this will realm or not. The short-term profit generated by chest events justifies everything. Personally I don’t think realm will die in the next 5+ years. Kabam abandoned the game for 2+ years and it was still profitable…


It’s already miracle enough for this flash game survive till this day, so… i think this campaign is fair enough for us boi


The fundamental issue with your calculations is that you are calculating under the assumption that all players are playing on a singular server, and then you are multiplying that by 21 for each of the servers that is in the game. In reality, your calculations should be much lower because players don’t all congregate onto one server, then tend to be spread out, and as a result the pricing of each server would be much lower. Not only that, but you using 21 as a number for the amount of servers is incorrect because https://www.google.com/maps/d/thumbnail?mid=1hHxU4zjVbQ0j3fWaL_bvRzWkfgk&hl=en_US this is a map of the RoTMG servers. As you can see, some servers such as USW USW2, USW3, USE, USE2, USE3 are all hosted on the same exact server.


I agree I made an error for my server count in the original post, but the one where I clarified my sources, I did not calculate a single server cost (The one I calculated was from the total server costs then divided by number of servers). The total cost is going to be about the same regardless of how many servers because of the volume of players and amount they play.


Alright, just gonna try to sum up the answer to this thread here without making any assumptions or whatever.

Deca wants more money (this is what the campaign is about) in order to port Flash to a Unity Client, which is stated to be better. Flash will be discontinued in 2020, so this is a long-term decision concerning the future of this game.

Deca implemented events regularly over the past year or so, which probably resulted in more money. Now, I don’t recall when they announced the Unity Port but I assume at least part of this profit goes toward porting Flash. Indeed, their Producer’s Letter stated that they hired 2 more developers for this task alone.

DECA is indeed screaming for money, but they’ve told us the reason. Donations don’t ruin the game, as they don’t give you an unfair advantage unless you count some skins and vanities. Donating or spending money on the game does not give you godmode.

Recognition for donating money to improve the game. At least a little part of the money put by players into the game goes back to supporting them. I’m not saying all of it, but development is a key part of continued profit for video game companies.

Donating to the company who owns and develops this game does not “win” you the game. You get a chat color: Recognition. You get a special gravestone: Recognition. Name on the Wall of Fame: Recognition. It’s for recognizing the support, which is unique BECAUSE not everyone can do it. If everyone could support the company, why would it be recognizied. It is recognized because not everyone can/will donate to the company. While some people may just straight up not be able to afford any spending on video game companies, the people that do spend a considerable amount get recognition, but not a sizable advantage.

But it should

In part to help with actual gameplay

The very definition of donating money is that you give money to someone/something else. In this case, at least part of the money will go to improving gameplay for us players, which (hopefully) will lead to more profit for DECA and more satisfaction for players.

Port RotMG to Unity, a client more up-to-date with the current technology. Besides, Flash is being discontinued in 2020 so if DECA had not taken this action the game would’ve died anyways.

To recognize people for donating. Your name on the wall does not give you godmode.

But isn’t this pay-to-get-an-advantage? Doesn’t this contradict the whole point of a F2P game? Don’t gameplay-related perks define a P2P game?

The word “win” has a different definition to different players. For some, it might be soloing Void. For others, perhaps obtaining every white bag in the game. If your definition of winning is a purple chat color, congrats. RotMG is P2P for you. But if it isn’t, well, I don’t see the complaint.

No, you support RotMG in order to benefit more people than just yourself. These items are just a more tangible representation of the satisfaction you should feel when you, for example, donate to Goodwill. Anyways, these items are virtual anyways, and are of no real value other than recognition.

That’s a bit insulting. Probably should keep it down.

Damn, if video-game companies did that all the time world poverty wouldn’t exist. The entertainment industry is one of the largest in the world, and you can’t expect people to be that selfless. DECA does not exist to help kids in Africa, a video-game company literally sells you virtual things.

This happens all the time. Take a look at US politics.

I’m not denying charity is bad, but that it is unlikely DECA will donate to kids in Africa. But by porting RotMG to Unity, in a sense DECA does donate their money to making their video game experience better for everyone, including people who haven’t paid for it. Besides, there’s a flaw in the logic above. At the second to last step, DECA is still earning money. How does a game get better without DECA spending money on it. Magic lines of code do not just appear in the game and improve gameplay. This requires money and time.


Don’t spend money on the game then. The campaign is for people who want to, not DECA persuading everyone to give money to them.

Good. Looks like I wasted 30 minutes.

For future reference, DECA posts very occasional Producer’s Letters that inform people of where the game is going. They are usually cross-posted from Reddit into RealmEye as well, but reddit.com/r/rotmg is where events and new information first come out (except for Niegil’s leeks).

DECA said they are always listening to player input. DECA Games has a support site for RotMG, and you can tell them your ideas there as well.

Usually someone re-posts the information on RealmEye anyways.

I think the point is to recognize players who are willing to pay for a game they love and make the experience better for more people than themselves. Instead of buying themselves keys and character slots (this leads to only the buyer benefiting directly) they chose to improve the client for everyone who plays the game.

Would be better, I agree.

Maybe not consistently, but the point is DECA is making the game more accessible to players who feel frustrated that some aspects of the game could be improved with money.

That does negate some of my argument, but…I dunno. Perhaps for those for whom cosmetics don’t justify support? Although that does negate '“donating”.


Wait seriously? WOW! That’s pretty unique.

I wish.

I see. I would hate not having the satisfaction of getting an item, but I see how some players could relate to this.

Anyone that donates is helping.

I tried to keep my opinions slightly less ad hominem, and I apologize for any offense I caused anyone ahead of time. Thanks for reading.

Also, on a slightly less related note, should I provide a TL;DR? I personally read everything someone says and don’t skip stuff but judging by the number of “gj if you made it this far” comments I think people do enjoy neat summaries. I’ll provide a summary later if people want it.

Edit: Just to give my past on paying, I’ve spend very very very occasional amounts on the game, like $20 per year, but rarely more. I’ve played for around 4 years I think?


Except sometimes we’re special.


Well if you take atleast 10 seconds to think about WHY. Then you actually realise that it makes more than enough sense making this a small paywall campaign.


Sounds to me, you can’t get a credit card to get access to the campaign and therefore you rant because you’re jealous. Everything in the game is obtainable other than exclusive contest or UGC items(skins which are obviously cosmetic), even the ST items, you literally get free shit every month through the calendar.


Like I said, I think this is a good idea, my main gripe has simply to do with the name.


What about it is pay to win? the ST chests? they’re hella expensive per chest and you’d honestly get more from regular ST mystery boxes.

iirc Kabam had them before I even started playing.

How does that go against pay to win for your argument? if anything this would go for pay to win.

It’s a 100% vanity effect that has no bearing on gameplay, how in hell is this pay to win in any way in any universe ever like seriously.

uhhhhh raising money to fix like 99% of the problems the game has is bad?

Um, aren’t you complaining about it being pay to win for some reason (it honestly isnt)?

Instead of completely visual effects that don’t help you in any way you want a feature that gives an objective advantage to people who payed, what the hell are you even trying to argue for and against? your points and arguments are so mixed and mangled so far I have literally no idea.

They openly state it actually, they also directly state that if you use the 2x boost feature the money doesn’t go into their profits, it goes directly into funding the Unity port.

They’re genuinely the best company we’ve had so far, although I didn’t start back when WS was a thing so I can’t state anything for them, but the content added now is much better than the content WS added.

Definitely not a fail, many people, including me, are going for the porple name and maybe even the glow, this really isn’t a failure and it shows.

They’re trying to fund their Unity port, it’s not them asking for profit they’re asking for money to be put directly into the betterment of the game.

It’s all about money, they’re trying to get money to pay developers to help rewrite the entire game including all of the functionality and every dungeon and piece of content released so far. This is something the game NEEDS, if this doesn’t get completely done by 2020 the game is dead and there isn’t another way to stop that.

Unity port.

Better servers wouldn’t help in the current state of the game, RotMG is so optimized that it hurts the servers, the servers we have now will run much better when the game runs as it should and the code isn’t absolutely fucked.

Not really, you should honestly fix and organize your post a bit more, and you really need to clairify your stance within the post, but you’re asking questions and starting a convo, it belongs where it is.


10/10 post


I have some concerns on whether ot not this is true. DECA as is has been extremely shady when it comes to money. Examples of this can be seen when they ninja nerfed the drop rates of the Ice tomb event, or when they nerfed the ogmur drop rate in ice caves. They even went as far as to say they would never implement event whites into drop tables of events, yet they did it anyways because they knew that it would put a large boost on their key sales.

Honestly, I definitely have to disagree with this one. As of so far, the only content that DECA themselves has created was Mad God Mayhem, (A shit fest) Ice tomb, (Very little creativity), Santa’s workshop, (Not really a dungeon), Encore (Pretty good), and parasite chambers (A pretty nice addition). The rest of the dungeons that were created were done by the UGC team, and as such DECA can’t really be credited towards the creation of the dungeon. I’d also like to point out that without WS, we would me missing all of the original content of the game, part of what was so charming to players in the first place. Realm of the Mad God isn’t a good game in my opinion, it’s just unique in being a perma death rogue like. To say DECA as a company is better than WS is completely absurd.

I also have my misgivings about this one too, but my post is already getting long and I made my points clearly in my massive wall of text. Give it a read if you have time and let me know how you would respond to what I said.


Just because you don’t want to pay for something doesn’t mean no one else wants to pay for it.


Deca has done some pretty “P2W” stuff before, just remember the elemental packs they had a few months ago, the Unity Campaign certainly isn’t one of them. It is almost entirely cosmetics and things that won’t affect gameplay in any major capacity. The argument of the ST Chests being in the campaign rewards is valid, but you’d be better off rolling mystery boxes then using the ST chests from the reward tiers


I would just like to point out that our resident @Fluffegan has realized he done goofed when he said p2w.


Edit: I also just watched the unity port trailer, and my question has thus been answered. I’m actually looking forward to the new features of RotMG.


Actually the only person that said why the game itself would profit from the campaign :cookie:


There’s a trailer?


Link is embedded.


Cool, thanks