Which Class Would Win if PvP was in the Game?


Thats an interesting question.

First of all we should give the characters more life, because if we would start a fight with our current characters lifes, it will be insta-kill almost all the times. Wizard landing one spell on you makes you 2k damage and he can keep spaming spells, so either we increase our lifes, either we limitate our characters to play with T0 stuff and not maxed stats.

To make it fun, lets say we all have 50.000 life so we can start our battles.

Meles have a clear disadvantatge because range players can keep running away from them and they can’t do nothing. So then the speed is a great factor here, because meles should rush into the range players to can catch them; so overall, the only mele class who would give some challenges would be the warriors with speedy.
For similar reasons, ninja and trickster with great speed could catch the range ones.

Another thing to considere is the ability of some classes:
Archer with paralyze is deadly for meles, but won’t against more range classes, because one wizard will not care to be paralyzed since he has more range than the archer. So for example, here we could have a situation where:
wizard wins archer, archer wins warrior if paralyze, warrior wins wizard if he got him.

Huntress with paralyze, similar to the archer.

Rogue with invisble is op; if also we can’t see from where the bullets are coming, all the classes could only spam their weapons wishing just some luck.

Priest with tome, if tome healing power is not increased, is useless, since you can deal more damage than he can heal himself.

Mystic won’t be able to kill you, but he can stasis you forever… except if you have holywaters, but you should carry a lot, so… the only one who would be inmune would be priest with puri. But anyway, while stasis he can’t kill you, so it won’t be a really long, maybe without ending fight.

Sorcerer with scepter of devastation could deal lots of damages as well, and at safe range, so it will be equivalent to wizard.

Then, with those scenarios… I would say rogue is the one more likely to kill all the chars on individual fight, basically because no-one will can hurt him as much as he can deal damage while invisible.
The second best choice it would be wizard, basically because their dps, his long range, and his spell (which can also armor pierce!); if he can land some perfect spells, you are dead soon.




I think knight because… LeL Xd


I mean, mystic would be op right

But also, tablet wizard insta kills EVERYTHING
4000 damage is something that NO ONE can survive, excepting an oreo pally that’s lucky, but then he gets blasted


Archer because doom bow one shots anyone (if you still have the same amount of health)


HmmmMMMMMM, trickster, about that… 1v1 ME ON USW2 NOOB I WILL REKT YOU WITH ME TRIX(kjkjkjjkjkjkjkjkj im trash at rotmg)


He’s alliiiive


I believe that a Sorcerer with Devastation Scepter + wis equipment (Condu/St Abra + Ritual + Geb Ring) and some Fairy Dusts would demolish everyone.


I would say a priest if they were cautious and had a good tome (eg. prot, puri,t6). They could attack from far away, retreat easily and heal any damage they take.


knight can permastun, soooo gg


Permastun won’t save you if an archer tags you with paralyse into doom bow before you get in range.


I feel like with mystic, wizard, and sorc, it would just be a race of who can press their space bar the fastest. Overall i think mystic would have the advantage, due to the fact that you don’t have to aim as well.


That piercing spell spam boiz


you see this and you instantly die

  • :slight_smile:
  • :frowning:

0 voters


[Edit: merged the above post into here from its own topic, to continue the PvP discussion. -Nevov]

Yep and spellbomb’s long range doesn’t even let you get into your own range!
If that wizard is autoaimer… RIP.
Wizard vs wizard if both are cheating… two deaths. (Good).

Thankfully you should be able to see the evil wizard red dot on the minimap and use your faster SPD to stay out of range. :female_detective::athletic_shoe:

:thinking: Do any of the newer-released items affect a PvP battle between different classes? Things from the Crystal Cavern, or the newest STs?


I think the Sentry cloak would do well with the whole “surprise I’m invisible and do lots of damage” strat, although it’s not exactly a ‘newer’ item anymore. Mushroom tome could be interesting since it does healing over time, although it might not be too practical given Priest wouldn’t be the best at pvp, it could be a good option versus classes without burst damage options. Also, the Star of Enlightenment could be an interesting choice with the Ninja’s access to Speedy and now Berserk, kind of like Warrior, in addition to ranged attacks.


Sorc with Grotesque Scepter would take 2 shots to kill any class afaik


The para scepter would instakill most chars and also isn’t projectile based which means it travels across the screen ~0.5 seconds faster


Never seen this place before


[I have not read through this entire thread, so some parts of this may already have been said; these are just some of my musings]

In RotMG, enemies have a lot of HP and not much firepower (comparing the damage per shot of enemies and players, as well as the players’ substantially higher rate of fire). Players have a lot of firepower and not much HP. As a result, most PVP battles will likely be done in a matter of seconds. Thus, whoever can hit first while avoiding damage is likely going to be the victor. Here is how the different classes would likely fare in such a fight:

Sword Users
These guys aren’t going to have a fun time when paired against a non-melee; generally slow and short-ranged, they are unlikely to so much as get within range of a long-ranged opponent before being killed. Their def stats are the highest of any character, but even these high numbers are insufficient to combat the sheer amount of damage per hit that a character is capable of in this game.

Knights would completely wreck and opponent up close (melee-on-melee fights) with a well-aimed shield bash, but their slow speed would leave them quite vulnerable to ranged classes, which could easily kill them before they could close the distance necessary to be within sword range.

Paladins would be utter garbage, as their ability, while quite useful for shrugging off the small amounts of damage a standard realm enemy can inflict, would be basically useless against the high dps of a character. An oreo might give them a chance, but this would only last for a second or two, ultimately leaving them vulnerable if they are hit with a major debuff in that time period (slow or paralyze).

Warriors would probably fare the best; by utilizing a tiered helm, a warrior could speed boost to close the gap with a ranged opponent, dodging incoming attacks and allowing him to deal the two or so hits necessary to win. He is still vulnerable to status effects, however, and depending on the technical skill of his opponent, might be unable to outmaneuver the stream of bullets directed his way.

Katana Users

With more range than sword users, these guys would have a slight edge in terms of weaponry, though not by much; whether fighting a melee or ranged class, a katana user would have to use other means to gain the upper hand.

Ninjas would certainly be one of the more… involved options; their extreme speed would allow them to dodge incoming attacks with the most ease, though this may or may not be enough to beat out the ability of their opponent to actually aim and predict movements (your average player has more intelligence than an Ent God[Citation needed]). Ninjas could also throw their star for ranged damage, though a single, relatively slow-moving projectile would be hard to aim at a moving target, especially when that target knows how to dodge.

Samurais aren’t much better than sword classes, though they would have an advantage over certain other melee classes thanks to the wakizashi; the samurai could deal close-ranged damage on a moving target thanks to the waki’s weird, hard-to-evade shot pattern, though this would be ineffective against ranged opponents.

Dagger Users

These guys are going to be fun; after all, they have never simply relied on tankiness or range to survive; rather, they make use of unconventional methods to give themselves a leg up.

Rogues might be one of the best options; provided that they can’t be seen on the minimap, a rogue with plane would be able to evade an initial attack right as the fight begins and allow them to quickly outmaneuver the enemy to kill them quickly. An opponent could attempt to “spray and pray” their shots, but such a tactic is unlikely to be successful before the rogue gets within kill range and finishes them.

Assassins would be largely ineffective with their dagger (unless against a melee), but spamming poisons could do the trick; by cluttering the screen with enough poisons while simultaneously making feinting attacks to keep their opponent distracted, an assassin could deal some serious damage… unless pets are in play, which could help to negate the assassin’s damage-over-time attack.

Tricksters would be the pro-player’s dream, giving a high-risk, high-reward option to thrill seekers and those who can handle the class. They have mobility that surpasses the rogue’s (albeit without invisibility), and just about meets the ninja’s, though without having to travel the distance between two points to get from one spot to another (making it very unpredictable). The decoys can also be effective at temporarily confusing even human players, and in a fast-paced PVP scenario, could very easily result in a win.

Bow Users

Here we get into the range of classes that would be easy to use and very effective at this type of fight; bow classes have pretty good dps, and their tiered bows would result in a kind of cone of damage which could negate the effectiveness of an opponent’s dodging efforts. Their liberal use of slow/paralyze in abilities could easily spell the end for classes which rely on mobility, allowing the bow user to finish their opponent off from a safe range.

Archers can paralyze, though an item like a bee quiver might actually be more effective; tiered quivers are hard enough to line up against a dumb enemy, and would be next to impossible to use against a living, learning opponent. Since the bee quiver gives that wide fan of shots, it has a much better chance of hitting and reducing the opponent’s mobility. Void quiver could be used by those who would prefer to just deal damage, and the choice would largely depend on personal preference (as well as an enemy’s strategy and class; you would obviously not choose void quiver when against a wizard).

Huntresses could effectively block off sections of the map with their traps (any venture into such an area by an opponent would result in a game-ending slow or paralyze, or potentially a huge amount of damage via vile), limiting the opponent’s ability to dodge or attack. However, as stated previously, the fight would in most cases be over within a few seconds, so huntress might not be able to deploy enough traps to be effective.

Staff Users

Long range, high rate of fire, ranged abilities that act instantly. This is where the fight really gets quick.

Wizard is a dps god, and combined with his range, he might well be the most effective if the fight is weapons-only. The insane rate of fire from his staff means that “spray and pray” is actually a pretty effective strategy, and his low survivability isn’t that much of a downside when you consider that any fight will be ended in just a few (or couple) hits anyways. His spell would end the fight if landed just right, though an aware, skilled opponent would have next to no trouble avoiding being at the nexus of such a blast. (I have used the word “nexus” in a sentence on the Realmeye forums without it referring to the Nexus. Do I get a medal?) Tiered spells, as such, would be good at dealing light damage now and then and ensuring that the opponent can never devote enough concentration to attacking to ever be truly effective, though UTs like recurring terror could be devastating.

Necromancer’s AoE attack would be difficult to dodge, and deals enough damage that it would be an issue for an opponent (as well as healing the user of light damage). An esben skull could slow an opponent to make for an easier kill, and an endless torment could remove negative status effects that the necro user has taken. Overall a decent option, though when against a wizard or other necromancer, it might be hard to line up a skull blast on a moving target without exposing oneself to a similar attack.

Mystic. Oh, boy. It depends on what stasis does-- if it acts similarly to stasis as used on enemies in the current game, it would serve to turn off the fight briefly for the user while they got to a more advantageous spot to continue. However, if the stasised player could still use their ability, this might not even be a reprieve; either way, the opponent can’t move and can’t be shot, so they now have time to prepare themselves for a blistering counterattack on the mystic via ranged ability or barrage of shots once they come out of stasis. However, if the stasis acts more like petrify, then the mystic is in a much better spot; the opponent could only retaliate with their ability, while the mystic user can make use of their temporary damage boost to unleash hell on their helpless opponent.

Wand Users

Long range, slightly lower damage (not much of an issue, considering that that’s still a lot of damage when compared to the opponent’s HP levels), with an easily-dodged attack pattern (this is the part that’s an issue; you can’t damage what you can’t hit).

Priest would be able to dodge well with a T6 tome or book of geb, and geb or puri could remove negative status effects. Prot is unlikely to be as useful as a speedy tome (even when armored, high damage per shot would result in serious problems), and a tome’s healing probably wouldn’t be enough to save the user if they got trapped in a storm of bullets (though prot’s armored + healing spam might be effective for a brief, unsustainable period). It’s better than a melee, but not by a whole lot.

Sorcerer is one of those classes that gets to the top few of the list; not for the weapon, but for the ability. Because scepters don’t need to be perfectly lined up to be effective, and because they can’t really be dodged, they make getting instant damage on a target very, very easy. Devastation could one-shot any opponent (provided the sorcerer has the right set equipped) provided they are not a pally using oreo right at that time, or the sorcerer could use fulmi to ensure that their opponent has a hard time dodging (though why you would choose this over a devastation provided you had both in this situation is beyond me).


In conclusion, the only interesting fights would be melee against melee; they would actually require a player to strategize, corner their opponent and finish them with thought-out attacks to ensure that they didn’t get themselves killed in the process. Every other matchup would be done in seconds, with preference being given to classes which can avoid taking any damage while outputting a huge amount of damage in a short period of time in return.