Which common hack is the worst and which hack needs to be fixed the most?


Point of the game is evaluating the point between loot and life. But if you nexus and you Dont have to worry about loot most of the time knowing you can just reconnect it just ruins the game sense of danger/achievement…
Example : 2 guys rushing abysses and one is a hacker and they get cornered . one would nexus/auto nexus and reconects shortly after while the other either nexuses or risks it by clearing the minions before he dies. On both cases the hacker has unfair advantages.


Maybe I don’t understand how auto nexus works, but isn’t it you nexus after a certain amount of hp? Can’t anyone train themselves to do that? because even people who use auto-nexus can be popped.


From my inside sources, the original autonexus read the game’s code to detect what level of HP you need to be at to Nexus. So, if you set it too low and got ganked you could still die. But now, the client detects bullets and entities around the player, throwing a lag switch to avoid getting popped.

I’ve seen countless “lucky nexuses” at the garnet/jade statues. Usually the player lags for a second and DCs.


“one” imples one of the choices in the poll

hes only asking one
the other poll is messed up

chill dud its just a prank bruh


No, you’re fine, it was a joke.


Ah I see, well yeah that ruins then game then. If other people are risking their characters to earn loot, there shouldn’t be a cunt that just can run dungeons risk free.


Only objection: sometimes people are just really good at timing their exits to the nexus. Unless they make it so you can’t warp back to the nexus at any time or while at low hp, this won’t be fixed, which would basically ruin the game anyways.


There is no way to have “no teleport cooldown” or "no ability cooldown"
Learn more about these things before you post stuff like this please


It is possible to die, even with AutoNexus, if you have a debuff, such as injured or poisoned, and you Nexus. It doesn’t automatically remove the debuff.

  1. what in the name of god is “injured or poisoned”
  2. and uhhh fyi going through portals or nexusing does remove status conditions lol



to be continued…

now i think of it my pet might’ve paralyzed the ice sphere


he didnt die
also lel xd ppe btw



I’d say the least important one would have to be auto aim. I mean, like why would you even want that? It’s pretty easy to aim already. : /


i dont think that’s what he’s trying to ask you…


I know, I was just saying the least important…


None of the above. The worst is when then leave a dungeon but manage to return and then steal your loot


thats reconnect


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