Which one should i use Tablet, Ancient Pierce, Thousand Suns


Which one should i use of the three options

  • Thousand Suns
  • Ancient Pierce
  • Tablet

0 voters

Which one should i use

Why is tablet even on the list tbh?

Pierce > everything 99% of the time


Mnova unless your rich.


From experiance:

AS:P if you have medium/poor fps

T6 if you have very good fps and can perfect spellbomb

Tablet is too pointless to carry, costs too much mp


since rn its 100% pierce…

ill explain a bit. It has generally the highest dmg, but costs more than the teired alternative. But since the only teired there is the thousand sun, which is almost the cost of the st spell. ST spell would be better

tablet is just shit.


Uh… what


Ancient pierce is almost always the best option since it does so much damage against 40+ def enemies, which is good since most of your fighters that require a hard-load of dps a spell can easily contribute in has def higher than that. thousand suns is only good on lower defense enemies, and tablet is extremely situational, as there arn’t many situations where crowd controlling is needed (mass dragging to intentionally do crowd controlling isn’t recommended for a squishy class either).


Why am I the only one who voted tablet while 24 others voted ancient pierce? Tablet underrated


Prob since tablet has very limited uses and its damage output is the same as a t4.


Yeah it was a joke


Thousand suns = eledet.


yes and no. thousand sun costs more than eledet. its like 2 life more.


Never mind. Eledet isn’t an option for OP.


Honestly it needs mp reduction to 100-110 and damage increased 8%


The 3 attack on AS:P is applied to every single projectile you fire with the staff. Your raw damage output is much higher with AS:P than edet/tsuns because most damage isn’t inflicted by the spell, and for those rare occasions where spell damage IS important AS:P comes out on top because of armor piercing.


Attack and Defense bonuses too.


Pierce spell.
That’s not even a question
It pierces armor bro.


pierce spell duh

