Why Crystal Sword Shouldn't be a Swapout


I use Csword+Dblade on my warrior; glad to see that I’m not alone


I like how you think :wink:


And sometimes you don’t need to be 28.57% safer.


What’s the point of having high DPS when you can’t even land a single shot on a boss. Yes, in most situations the C-Sword is useless, but people prefer to use it in endgame boss battles, such as the Nest, Lost Halls and even mountain temple.

  • The range

To be honest, I think they should give the C-Sword armor pierce to match the C-Wand, but even without it it’s still absolutely viable to use.


thought you were gonna say csword is useless but this was well built tbh



Yep, for those few situations when ya need 26.92% or more damage. Hence swapping :v


There isn’t any point to having high DPS when ya can’t land any shots on a boss. c;

I find it a bit funny ya do quote me, but ya miss the direct meaning of the post.
But that’s okay, 'cause I wanted more people to share their thoughts on why CSword isn’t awful as it is painted to be.



And since ya mention it, ASS is actually balanced fairly well, it has got the perfect middle ground between the two, other than rarity. Only reason why I didn’t bring it up though.


Or just use A.S.S…


Use any sword if you want. It’s your decision


I’m on to you crystal sword lobbyist. I know your game.


Now what about the rarity? Im sure that most of the good players can easily get their hands on a csword, yet colossus is kinda… ya know… rarer, yet i do agree with you.


i like this line


However the amount of LHs people farm and do make getting it for a melee being built (or used) a realistic goal, but crystal sword would definitely be much easier to get yes


I was so confused reading this, because my reading comprehension is absolute shit so I reread the topic twice before I saw the comments. Thanks jaws.

But yeah crystal sword is nice, especially LH (make those n00bs without csword tank the shots xd).


this has a range of 7.7 so its the best sword


The bane of Rock Crystals
good times


Or you could just use ASS as your main sword /shrug


Crystal Sword still provides SB 99 out 100 times though especially on Warrior. Yeah, stat-wise there are better options but you can still use it. It just depends on if you want it congesting your inventory.


with your writing skill you should write a novel or fiction not a crappy post in flash game forum


crystal sword is like 1/10-15 from an easy godsends mini event
colossus sword is probably 1/100-1/150 and 1 from 4 possible whites, not to mention the dungeon requires coordination, experience, and is fairly risky, especially for newer players


I’d say the number is more like SB 100 out of 100 times, especially on Warrior. 'Cause you’ll always hit the threshold if ya hit the target consistently, really. Whereas an Acclaim might be hitting sitting SB 99 out of 100 times cause it lacks that one tile.

Hardly a difference, but it just shows that DPS matters little with Melees.

Ah, thanks I guess? (Was that a compliment?)
I do write quite a bit, but it’s mosty limited to D&D backstories at the moment. (And crappy posts on flash game forums I suppose, lol.)

As a side note regarding ASS, any time I am playing RotMG, and not maxing a character, I am farming for ASS. (And O2)
Ever since I made my first 6/8 Paladin which was at least two years ago. Never got the sword. Out of luck.

Crystal Swords on the other hand? I’m never farming for them and I’ve got at least seven on my main and one on my npe ~100 fame Wizard. They really are too common.