Why Nerf Pets?


100k hp in a minute would require you to constantly be in a state of losing health and gaining it back inbetween every single heal, and would require 11 priests to pull off.


It wont happen, people who have divines are the ones who support this game the most, if u had divine u wouldnt want them to be nerfed.

“wow dungeons are pet based omg” just learn to dodge lmao, seen alot of people with void whites and they have like uncommon or rare pets which are easy to get.

If pets are broken then do something about hacked clients too, they make this game even more broken.


Well, 10K or whatever. The HP could be adjusted for.


Why should I be penalized because people are garbage?


I’ll agree with you on most of your points here, but a few major things stuck out to me. I would not at all say it’s more seedy to rush an abyss as a rogue, if you do it right, and as for “Actually dodging” I think you mean, sit back where the shots can’t reach you and just do nothing? Which might add some tense moments but after enough play it would get boring. “Oh shit I got hit twice, time for me to wait half a minute for my vit to heal me because the priest can’t get to me.” I do agree that it is nice to have more cohesive teamwork as in the older days, and planning raids and such is a staple of many mmos. I do agree that things like tossing pet stasis in are a bit lazy. But you mentioned “Are there so many damn knights that we’re afraid our dungeon bosses won’t be able to fire a shot?” which, that’s not a new thing at all. There used to be 6 man Oryx runs with 4 knights, even like the video posted earlier, there’s a similar ratio to that. I do agree that priest doesn’t feel as great, to run because of pets, but that’s not SOLELY because of pets, in my opinion. They (rightly) do some of the lowest damage in the game, but, oddly, unlike many mmos, priests don’t really buff you in Realm. Paladins give you a health buff and a vitality buff and a damaging buff, the marble bois can give you armored, warriors give you an attack speed buff, priest… heals you, MAYBE purifies you. That’s it.


I’d say that pets are an improvement to the game, they increase the pace of the game while also lessening the tedium of the game as a whole. Sure, there’s an unfair advantage with divine or legendary pets and they need to put on a leveled playing field with sick bullets or pet stasis but I mean I’d say that’s a good solution. It creates less tedium for the new players that are just farming pots or essential ut’s in dungeons for hours (in a permadeath game, might I add), but heavy teamwork and class roles are still encouraged down the line with shatters and lost halls. It creates a dynamic that allows for accessibility and organized play at the same time while also having permanent progress in the form of pet levels. If pets were nerfed throughout the entire game i’d say that it’d honestly be too tedious to play.


Why Deca doesnt add and effect in game that makes heal and mheal have only 50% efficiency on dungeons and replace it in the Pet stasis effect


A “Pet Sick” or some alt name, yeah that’s a great idea. No need to go the full whammy with Pet Stasis every time, there could be a less punishing effect added. :+1:

They could make a consumable that removes it (like holy water removes Sick from characters) so you could pre-prepare for it too. Actually why isn’t there one of those for Pet Stasis already. Not that it would be commonly used, but then neither is holy water.


Your fault that you went in with a shitty group xD


So I should have to solo every dungeon ever, got it.


Does not affect your character? Say that when you die without it or nexus from a dungeon u really want to do.

It does steal your soulboud, by making the player who has the broken pet not nexus because of it.

Like do you even use your head when you write these?


It doesnt lmao, if u cant dodge in that dungeon maybe its not ur time to do it? If that dungeon is hard then u most likely will have priest and pally around :slight_smile:


Don’t put words in my mouth; just find a good group and go in with them.


U dont need good pet if u have good group lol


Doesn’t Holy Water remove all negative status effects? :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:


I would personally just say make leveling up a pet easier and make a slight adjustment to the health ability. Getting a good healing pet takes a very long time when you start from scratch. To get good feed power items and to use the fame you have to level up that pet takes a decent amount of time also. There are a lot of people who aren’t willing to pay money to get a good starting egg, myself included, which throws a whole other hill to climb with getting a good pet. With all things considered there has to be some changes to the pet system overall.


Just buy human eggs 1 def each in usw2 lol and feed unneeded uts to pet


I’m free to play and I have 2 maxed rares with heal mheal ele


It took me less than 2 months to get a legendary pet, you just have to be determined to farm enough fame and feed power.


All I have to say is puri removes the symbol from your character, but not the pet stasis effect, DECA has confirmed it’s working as intended. Although would want it to at least not remove the effect symbol at least if left like that.