Wind circle swap?


is wind circle useful to keep as swapout for ninja if ur a poor/n00b player with no UTs and only tiered gear for ur ninja

Edit: should i keep wind circle for mp cost and speed and range in dungeons and enemies with unpredictable movement patterns, also should i keep t0 circle for speedy and t5 for regular star

Edit numba 2: thank you for all the valuable input!


are u describing urself?


Over higher tier shurikens? No

It is like having a heavy crossbow as a swapout for golden bow

  1. Wind circle, I believe, has higher range
  2. Heavy crossbow has higher range than golden bow and is easier to hit


But you see both have the same problem



yes :slight_smile:


Would u carry around a t0 star as a swapout?


For extreme spams on a crowded boss to get at least one in and thus get SB, in all other situations, no


Let me instruct you on some ninja-ed.
Yes, you can spam the t0 star. But the main reason is for the speedy without losing all your mana after releasing.

Another question: under what status effect can you infinitely use speedy?


quiet i think


:frowning: I was testing him. But yes, it is quiet. Wind circle, I believe, doesn’t help much as a swapout. Carry it if u want, but it only has higher range and projectile speed.


(lower) MP cost is the thing im concerned about


under what circumstances is 17 tiles of range going to make a difference over 15 tiles of range?

there is no point to use wind circle if you have an ice star/doom circle, and that’s the way tiered equipment is supposed to work.


what about t0? should i keep




It depends on your ability to hit moving targets. If you can anticipate where they’ll be no matter which star you use (regardless of projectile speed), then go for higher tier ones. Also, the damage per mp used is always higher as tiers progress, meaning that you aren’t saving any mp by using a T4.


what if i cant anticipate? (im a n00b, see post)


xD, this thread hasnt helped me become more decided, in fact it has made me more undecided. someone pls help me out and make an executive decision



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