Wonder Trade In Realm


Anyone that is familiar with Pokemon X&Y will have heard of Wonder Trade. Wonder Trade is a system in Pokemon were you put in your Pokemon and get paired up with another person who is doing the same, and swap the Pokemon the respective parties have selected. Adding this into Realm could give a possible way to trade UTs without the need of unsoulbounding. Just a thought and not a major concept, cya.

Trading Posts in Nexus
Addition Of Trading Centers
Offline Trading ~ Marketplace
In-game Trading

so? random swapping uts? so basically everyone’s going to get a poison fang dagger and repeatedly spam it hopping to get something better?


There could be a tiered based system of UTs, where UTs of the same rarity only be randomly swapped.


soo… this?

see this thread for my argument’s against trading UT’s in almost this EXACT way, I’m too lazy to retype them


wha? link to trading section?


So basically ur saying to give UT items aka UnTiered items a tier -_-


I forgot the second link in my post, go check it again.


oh thats much different…


yea also this idea is in the common ideas to avoid section i believe


They already do have somewhat of a tier other than UT (Event whites, shit UTs, Shatts whites, etc.)


Hahahah UT stands for Un-Tradeable (Or tierd) so giving them a tier is like against what the point is



but doesnt mean he cant do it.

just means avoid[quote=“Msdsdxc, post:11, topic:3426”]

…no… before you laugh, learn your facts, it means teired


UT = untiered not un tradeable, in fact they used to be tradeable

edit:goddamit ninja’d by @Scorchmist



Shhh im new at this forum stuff XD


this has nothing to do with forums, its about in game.


don’t worry, scorchmist has been here for way longer and still can’t avoid arguing about semantics instead of staying on topic nudge nudge


Does it really matter what it stands for?




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