Wtf A.S.S...? [A.S.S rarity]


A.s.s. is dropping like crazy. Getting one every 3 oryx castles I do. My brother just got 2 today in just 3 castles. I swear this used to be rare, and it’s a fantastic weapon. Not complaining, but is this just because of event drop rate increase?


Nope, it didn’t get increased for the event. Actually, the stone guardians soulbound threshold was lowered significantly, so now people are able to even qualify for an ASS. At first, it dropped even more common than a sprite white due to weird threshold-drop rate relationships, but after a few days it was adjusted. Now it drops fairly common.


U lucky f***er…

Jk, but i never get whites, my luck is so bad.


Just don’t feed them. PLEASE. My only request.


They did buff the drop rates/lowered sb a little bit ago, but I would assume more people will get them because the christmas event is causing realms to close hella faster. I have done 3x more oryxs a day than I did in november.


Actually, they lowered the drop rates.


lmao I got 1 A.S.S this year … and last year I got 1 A.S.S too :confused: I’m unlucky


Actually they buffed the drop rates, realized they were too high, and lowered them, but made soulbound actually easy to hit.


Okay, then. I just remembered reading in recent patch notes that they had lowered them.


I wish they wouldn’t have done this. Whitebags are RARE for a reason. Yes, getting them is great, but it’s not as great when literally everyone has one.


Yeah, ive gotten 3 recently.

Doesent stack up to the ammount of cutlasses i keep getting though…


you lucky ~! i never get one but i already got like 3 bracers in just a matter of 2 days TT^TT


Yeah my little brother has earned 3 this week and has them all in his vault (dont worry not going to feed) @Benjiygao


why do you say that? I mean they have pretty good feed…


I already have a pretty decent legendary pet atm XD so I think I think I’ll make more use putting them on a char


At least one tomb ring drops per tomb🤔 Some whites are meant to be rare, yes, but this one isn’t that game breaking so it can be commonish


Horrible attitude in my view.

“Fuck this useful white bag, everyone can get it…


It’s like playing conflict - which is arguably not worth - cause not many own it.


Planewalker is gamebreaking in my view, atleast for rogue, so why is it supposed to be common?

I don’t think rarity = quality, just cause some are incredibly rare.


ive goten 4 in the past moth but i mean ive done 200 cassles +


Lol it’s a game changer, but I mean, it’s not game breaking lol.

Maybe if it didn’t have a tp cooldown