X.31.0.0 - Halloween Horror


Kinda random but, you know how Oryx 2 calls out the name of the player that did the most damage? Idk about you but I’m all about these massive DPS circle jerk competitions and whenever I see a name being called out I’ll lock them to “check them out” xD

But ok the question is: which class(es) do you usually see dealing the most damage?

For me it always seems to be warriors and sorcerers, idk why! I’m mostly doing wizard O2’s right now and every single time I feel like I’m doing the most damage since I spam that spacebar so hard but have only been called once :c

Also to further illustrate the concept of “overdamage” that came up a while back, here’s a fun picture :slight_smile: (note O2 started with 100k hp) smh oryx can’t do math 101252 / 100000 != 100%


Edit: @Seelpit and oh yeah I can see how “crucial” blow (singular) could have been interpreted as final blow but the “s” makes it clear that it’s talking about total damage.

Edit2: @DemonDeath exactly, the point that I had made (in another post somewhere) was the effect of how the more players there are, the more this effect compounds (i.e. 100 sorcs hit Oryx 2 with a deva blast at the same time and kills him). But an interesting question would be, since SB threshold is calculated as a fraction of HP, does “overdamage” count towards threshold, moreover if it does count does that increase the number of players who are able to qualify? Of course this is kinda trivial now due to HP scaling (and how SB numbers are determined by base HP and not scaled HP) but still interesting :slight_smile:


easy, you hit him with wand + a devastation blast at the same time, so you use more damage than necessary to kill him. :wink:


I wish Oryx’s comment wasn’t like some in game popup saying “oh lookie here Uniqourn did this amount of damage and this exact percentage”
And more like
“Uniqourn is the mightiest of you all!”


That’d be funny lol


X.31.0.2 Hotfix 2018-11-01

  • Keys can no longer be opened near portals
    • The minimum distance is 1.5 tiles
    • Oryx’s Castle and Oryx’s Chambers also do not allow opening keys on portal spawn positions before it appears


Wowowow, thank you so much!


thank god, no more keyers!


I think you got ninja’d?


thx for telling i would have had no idea since i never do WCs


can the bomb fathers and fire blights still spawn lava or nah?


Oryx actually no longer spawns a chest (as of yesterday-ish), I’m not sure if it’ll come back for next week’s event thought.


Yeah, no chest for right now. But if it happens again, yes they could spawn lava.


I never yet saw lava become a problem during the event, the slowest fight I had, which was a duo, there was still a lot of normal ground left around the chest. Though we did it by dragging each enemy away from the centre - I guess if you fought them all by circling there is a chance the area could get lavad to death.


uhh… they change the event for the next weekend

thicket: candy, pumpkins
encore: candy, bone
reef: candy, bone
shaitain : candy, bone

for some reason it has all of craig’s dungeons

at least everything has candy

ive heard everyone hates thicket or something?

wonder which pot i should stack up on. Kinda annoyed thicket drops life since rip life prices. shaitan has atk. puppet is atk,def,mana and reef is like everything.


Oh sick, I really want my thicket staff back I had fun with that ;0

Whaaa…?! It’s my favourite of the Court dungeons rn because if you solo you can get life/mana guaranteed, and it takes 10 minutes tops.

And I think you mean Craig’s dungeons not Guill’s.


looked at the whites… and ehhh…

yeah… i dont really like the economy of life prices to go down as well. If they go down, so go everything else that is sold with life pots prices,like deca. So really everything is unstable in this economy.

oh they still havent finished the glitch with cult when you get there, you eventually dc


Wait what is this glitch I haven’t done LH in a while? Everyone dc’s?


yeah, it seems everyone dcs in batchs that only like 10% maybe of people actually finish.

No one knows because everyone is doing event.Also since no cults, no voids.

Yeah… guess ill just farm abysses



im bad


but all of these dungeons are horrible in big groups (except for shaitans)
cant see air in reefs and hard to rotate due to lag
encore easy to get sat on bc of lag. cant see shots
thicket… well i cant see the shots bc of like 100 people there. also had no idea what i was doing.
shaitans i just sat there and didnt move.

also had 5 bone tokens on him…


Mana isn’t guaranteed, even if you solo!
I did one on my Ninja (pre-event), and all I got was a box, an attack and defense potion, and some mediocre EXP.

Also, seems like an ST Chest token is almost guaranteed for doing a Wine Cellar, it seems…?
Maybe I haven’t looked through enough yet, but in the one (1) I did, I got one, and both Arkie and Spixer got one too in the screenshots they posted…