[Finished] Realmeye Fanfiction Contest ~by Scorchmist


you didn’t read my beyond stuff? :c


I remember back in 9th grade my teacher wanted us to write a story with a minimum of 10 pages, about science fiction. And I’m just like…‘I’ve never read a science fiction book, though, not even interested.’ I ended up writing one paragraph and quitting < .>


I skim through most things,

only read about 80-90% of this fanfic too. Just can’t do it xD


i’ve never written more then 5 pages


is it longer than uni’s story?


i think so, yes.

maybe not


Longest thing I’ve wrote is about 25 pages long for a 60,000 word long challenge.

Damn that took a long time.


Keep your fetishes in check girl, I’m just 85kg for 1.8 m.

Also wtf, Doc gets sexy girl Shatter but I get guy Shatter? NO FAIR

You put me higher on your list of preferences than a huge blue blob. I’m genuinely touched. :cry:


The Story of How Trofimowen Became Himself

By FunDjembe

One day, in a town named Murica, a young child was born. His parents were very nice people who always stuck to the schedule and kept their house spotless. However, both his mom and his dad were always working, so they would have a nanny come and watch over little Trof. The nanny, a woman named Matilda, was a strict and cold-hearted nanny who would spank lil Trof, and make him cry all day long. However, when his parents got home, Matilda would say that everything went great, and would threaten lil Trof into not saying anything. One day, Trof’s mom came home early to take Trof to a dentist appointment, and saw Matilda yelling at Trof. Curious, she didn’t go into the house immediately, and watched from the kitchen window. Then Matilda grabbed lil Trof and hit him for being disobedient. Horrified, she ran in and grabbed Matilda’s hand as she was arching it back to strike Trof again. She then calmly told Matilda that she was fired, and then held Trof protectively. Years past, and nothing eventful happened to Trof or his family. Trof went to school and received exemplary marks, getting a scholarship into high-school. This is when things started to get bad.
Trof had always liked video games, and had been playing RotMG for a long time. In middle school, he had played with all of his friends, and they had excelled in getting the best gear, like Juggs, and maxing 8/8 chars. However, he had gotten a scholarship to a very snobby, rich school, full of kids who had played polo and badminton there entire life. Trof knew he wouldn’t fit in there, so he decided to just play it cool, and not draw attention to himself. However, as the only non-insanely-rich kid at the school, there was no way he could lay low. The rich kids bullied him, pushed him around, and messed with him all the time. He got beat up at least once a week, and even though he was bigger and stronger than them, they had the numbers. Then they found out about his video games.
They loved to torment him about how he played video games, and would bring in video games and wave them in his face, daring him to take it. He never would, so they would pelt him with the sharp shards of broken game discs. They smashed his laptop screen once, but he didn’t have the heart to tell his parents, as he just wanted them to be happy, and not to worry about him. Then everything went from bad to worse.
Trof’s parents were injured in an accident the day after he got beat up badly at school. They couldn’t work, so there was no money coming in to help him pay for necessities. Trof had to live on his own. He worked several different jobs, and his grades started slipping because of the late shifts, but he got the money he needed to survive on his own. However, traumatized from all the bullying, he swore off video games to try to get the bullies to stop.
Trof graduated highschool at the same time his parents got better, and they were able to attend the graduation ceremony. Despite his slipping marks during the time his parents were injured, he was able to make it into his dream college, and was insanely happy. However, as he was about to go up to the podium to give his graduation speech, and thought came to him. What if I publically shame everyone who has bullied me? This would be the perfect time! They can’t get me anymore! Acting on this one brave though, Trof stepped up the podium. He started off:

“I’d like to thank everyone who has ever been nice to me. They are the ones who got me through years of bullying and abuse. That’s right. I have been bullied by my “fellow” classmates for years. I would like to say that none of them should be getting into Ivy League colleges just because of the way they act. If they say they didn’t bully me, they’re lying.” Then he dropped the mike and walked out. Trof, listening to the chaos that sprouted from his little announcement, grinned to himself. Now was time for the next act of paypack. He was going to get back at everyone who had ever bullied him.
After making 212 fake email addresses, he went on to Nanni’s.org. Searching “Matilda”, Trof found his old nanny, and used every single email address he had to write terrible review about how she beat kids and scammed parents. He single handedly ruined her career. Then it was time to ruin the game that had caused him so much pain, RotMG. After he had stopped playing it, one of the bullies had found his account, and started to bully him for his extreme addiction to playing. He decided that he was going to get even with RotMG. However, instead of hacking or even playing the game, he decided that he was going to haunt the RealmEye message boards. He tried to be a jerk all the time, for example, only giving 22 likes when he’s read 24.3 K posts. But instead, he was liked and many people loved him. He had finally found a place where he felt at home. He was so happy, that he actually decided to help the forum, and has to this day. And that my friends is the story of Trofimowen.


That seems extremely depressing.


@Trofimowen we luv yu


<3 u @Trofimowen
(No homo)


That was very… interesting? i’ll comment more at end day.


Quite so. Quite so. <3 @Trofimowen


Explain this @Scorchmist


uhhh, i already explained it and deleted it b/c it was spamming the page.

so basically you have to create a fan fic on a regular, when i say “not anything in realm” i mean its not a story based around how the hermit came to be or how orxy ran away to the whine cellar, ofc you can do those stories if you have a regular in the story with somewhat of significance.


Ohh I get it, was reading the above comments and saw people saying something about that.

Don’t make me make a story about Oryx and the truth about the wine celler! xo


thats the strangest fanfic I have ever read


Which one?


the one he quoted