Your most embarrassing death ever


Mine is that I died as a 3/8 character to like twenty Night Elves and like three Lizard Gods… Because I accidentally clicked on the black part of the screen, and couldn’t move or attack. I died in like 0.3 seconds, too fast for me to escape, and I hadn’t even gotten a 1/8 before that. :frowning:

Mod note: Moved to Community Hub and fixed the “embaressing” title ~ BMJ

So Uh... BS Death Stories?

This death was my fault. I should have avoided hosting as my ping was so horrifically high. I also didn’t try to nexus D: lesson learnt


Rip you.


My most embarrassing death was me as a 6/8 Pally to one Medusa. All I am going to say is please be awake when playing Realm it helps alot!


how on earth do you play centered like that? props to u for at least making it to oryx, I probs would have died b4 getting to o1 like that.




My most embarrassing death was typing in godlands on my 6/8 PPE wizard. Goddamn Beholders…


Ikr. I’ve died typing about three times now.


Tried rushing through some UDL Slime rooms on an 8/8 trickster.


Yeah, I’ve almost died two times in a slime room.


Typing at this point is pretty much the only way I die and boy do I do it a lot.

I say go googling shatter-bro rips like a noob is my most embarrassing one


I’ve never finished the shatters… I tried it once (when I was a noob), and I think I might have accidentally killed everyone.


My first 4/8 archer (4/7 really, as this predates OTs and mana pots):

That’s right, no bow.

I accidentally dropped my bow (my first Covert!) while retreating from a bunch of LotLL minions. I didn’t have a spare, so tried to drag the minions away…but they ate me alive while I fumbled with the loot bag and tried to pick the bow back up (this was back before I knew about double-clicking items).

As usual, mistakes compounded upon themselves. I could’ve simply not dropped the bow to begin with. I could’ve just accepted the loss of the bow. I could’ve been more thorough in dragging the minions away from the bag, I could’ve done better picking the bow back up. Lots to learn from that particular death.


Lost a great 8/8 Rogue with some great UT equipment in a Deadwater Docks. I was going to rush for the group until a Warrior decided to take matters into his own hands. He ran into a dead end, turned around and took his whole crowd of pirates straight into me. The cloak was not enough to save me.


I’ve never dropped an item and died, but I’ve died trying to get one.


Rest in pieces.


I remember I was doing a pent once, and afterwards I realized my expo was gone. I don’t really remember how much I cared at the time, but it could’ve been a lot worse, like a pyra.

I actually dropped a Dbow on the ground as well without meaning to; I’m pretty sure I had just found it before it disappeared. You can imagine my frantic running around, haha c:


And lets not forget the mighty Poison Scorpion


Yeah. I’ve just gotten one white bag (a resurrection armor; just about 11 days ago), and if I lost that… Let’s just say that’d it’d be bad.


Probably either my lvl 13 prot/puri priest

or my lvl 1 dbow huntress