8 (P)Helm of Imperial RightXP Bonus 6% --> 9%Fincy2021-05-07 19:30:14610 (0)45 (+6)
7 (C|P)Helm of Imperial Rightbetter imageReza2020-09-01 19:25:16610 (0)39 (0)
6 (C|P)Helm of Imperial Rightupdated navigationAmelias2020-08-31 18:45:26610 (+29)39 (+19)
5 (C|P)Helm of Imperial RightfixingNoiceChoic2020-06-17 06:12:37581 (+3)20 (+1)
4 (C|P)Helm of Imperial Rightnavi++NoiceChoic2020-05-23 07:59:59578 (+42)19 (+14)
3 (C|P)Helm of Imperial Right40x40 ima... gyazo?)Reza2020-05-22 14:39:45536 (+31)(+1)
2 (C|P)Helm of Imperial Rightayy we leastNoiceChoic2020-05-22 14:34:59505 (+505)(+4)
1 (C)Helm of Imperial Rightpage createdKatiau2020-05-20 22:08:00