Editing the wiki (Rev. 2)

Creating and maintaining the RotMG wiki is a community endeavor. Anybody who has a RotMG player with at least Rank 14 can edit the wiki. This page provides a technical description about the wiki.

Anatomy of a page

Parts of a page are:

  • path
  • title
  • body
  • navigation children

How to create or edit a page

Pages are identified by their path. A path starts with /wiki/, followed by lowercase letters (a-z), digits (0-9) and dashes (-). Dashes are only to separate words, so you can't start or end a path with a dash, and a dash can't follow another dash.

To edit a page that already exists, visit the page and click on the Edit this page link in the tools section. It will only show up, if you have permission to edit the page.

If you visit a path that isn't associated to a page, you'll be greeted by the following message:

Click on the link and the wiki editor will be opened for the path.

The wiki editor

The wiki editor is divided into two parts:

  • the live preview at the top
  • the editor at the bottom

You can adjust the size of the editor with the gray handle at the middle. The editor itself is split up into three parts. The first one - shown on the picture - is for editing the content. You can edit the title, but best practice is to keep the path and the title consistent. You can't change the path of a page. The title is plain text, only the body uses the wiki syntax.

Wiki syntax

The wiki engine uses Markdown to format the body. You can find more information on the following pages:

todo: write an inline intro to markdown here


If you visit a page, then you may encounter three kind of links:

If you want to link to a wiki page, always use relative links. e.g: [Swords](/wiki/swords)


Images from the old wiki can be found at /s/a/img/wiki/filename

Images of game objects can be found at rotmgwiki.atom.tmp.sh. Thanks to Atomizer.

You can't upload new images to the wiki, use imgur to host them.





Best practices

  • Use markdown instead of html if possible.
  • The page uses html5, so don't use self closing tags.
    (e.g. <a name="foo"></a> instead of <a name="foo"/>)
  • Use <br> instead of double space at the end of lines to create a new line.
  • Use horizontal rules to separate parts of the content, instead of empty tables and whatnot.
  • Keep the title consistent with the path if possible. This makes linking much easier.
  • Always link to wiki pages with their path (/wiki/page-name).
  • After saving the page, check
    • if there are any broken links
    • or layout differences to the preview