Editing the Wiki (Rev. 21)

Creating and maintaining the RotMG wiki is a community endeavor. Any RotMG player of at least Rank 14 can edit the wiki. This page provides a technical description about the wiki.

Anatomy of a page

Parts of a page are:

  • path
  • title
  • body
  • navigation children

Typical wiki page layout, with a title, body text, navigation children listed below the body, and a navigation on the right side

How to create or edit a page

Pages are identified by their path. A path starts with /wiki/, followed by lowercase letters (a-z), digits (0-9) and dashes (-). Dashes are only to separate words, so you can’t start or end a path with a dash, and a dash can’t follow another dash.

To edit a page that already exists, visit the page and click on the Edit this page link in the tools section. It will only show up, if you have permission to edit the page.

Edit this page link in the list of wiki tools

If you visit a path that isn’t associated to a page, you’ll be greeted by the following message:

Non-existing wiki page entry, which says that the page doesn't exist, but can be created by clicking on a link

Click on the link and the wiki editor will be opened for the path.

The wiki editor

The wiki editor is divided into two parts:

  • the live preview at the top
  • the editor at the bottom

Wiki page editor, showing the wiki page preview in a top panel, and the editor for th page in a bottom panel

You can adjust the size of the editor with the gray handle at the middle. The editor itself is split up into three parts. The first one - shown on the picture - is for editing the content. You can edit the title, but best practice is to keep the path and the title consistent. You can’t change the path of a page. The title is plain text, only the body uses the wiki syntax.

Wiki syntax

The wiki engine uses Markdown to format the body.
You can find more information on the following pages:

Basic Markdown etiquette

Modifying text

To make text italicized or bold, surround it in two asterisks * or underscores _, as such:
_italicized_ and **bolded** text (asterisks are preferred for clarity)

Page headers are noted by starting a line with a number of pound signs equivalent to the level of the header. The wiki supports headers of every level from 1 to 6, but typically reserves a level 1 header for the page title.
Ex: #Level 1 header, ##Level 2 header, and so on.

To create space between lines, you may either insert a single line break with the html tag <br>, or separate paragraphs of text by entering two new lines in the editor.

Links may be embedded by surrounding the text to be linked in square brackets and appending the url to be linked within parentheses following the closing bracket.
Ex: [RotMG Wiki](/wiki/realm-of-the-mad-god) will display as RotMG Wiki

Organizing information

Lists may be ordered or unordered, the former appearing with a number, period and space preceding the text, and the latter with a hyphen - and a space preceding the text.
For example, the following markdown text

List 1

- An *unordered* list item
- **Another** unordered list item

List 2

1. An *ordered* list item
2. **Another** ordered list item

will produce the following output:

List 1

  • An unordered list item
  • Another unordered list item

List 2

  1. An ordered list item
  2. Another ordered list item

Text which represents code or code-style variables can be surrounded by backticks ` to style them as such.
Ex: You can teleport by typing `/teleport ` will display as You can teleport by typing /teleport <player name>

Blocks of code (formulas and multi-line code, for example) can be created by adding four spaces to each line.

Such text will *not* display **any** other Markdown features, and will be plain text.

Block quotes can be made by prefacing each line of marked-up text with .

Text within quotes can use other Markdown features as well.

Inserting images and usage with links

Images may be embedded using a similar format to links — create a Markdown url which uses the text of the link to describe the image’s content and links directly to the image itself, and precede it with an exclamation point.
Ex: ![Guild Founder's Gold Crown](https://i.imgur.com/zdaoNXP.png) will display as Guild Founder's Gold Crown

tip: you may use both links and images at once, and can include title text on links or images by adding it in quotes after the url

[a link with a title](/wiki/ "Title text"),
![an image with a title](https://i.imgur.com/zdaoNXP.png "Title text"), and
[![a linked image with a title](https://i.imgur.com/zdaoNXP.png "Title Text")](/wiki/)

a link with a title, an image with a title, and a linked image with a title

Markdown Extra

As of January 27, 2014, the wiki supports a number of Markdown Extra features, namely fenced code blocks, tables, definition lists, footnotes, smartypants, newlines, strikethrough, and special attributes.

While very useful for reducing the size of some wiki articles, most of these features will not be necessary on a regular basis. If you’d like to know more about any of them, follow its link and read some of the examples.

If you visit a page, then you may encounter four kind of links:

If you want to link to a wiki page, always use relative links.
e.g: [Swords](/wiki/swords) instead of [Swords](https://www.realmeye.com/wiki/swords).


Images from the old wiki can be found at /s/a/img/wiki/filename
A full list of these images can be found at /s/a/img/wiki/

Images of game objects can be found at static.drips.pw/rotmg/wiki

You can’t upload new images to the wiki, use imgur to host them.

Adding navigation will add listed pages as children of the current page, displaying them as bulleted links in the navigation sidebar, and optionally displaying them as a list of links at the bottom of the page.

To add additional children to a given page, it must first already be linked in the navigation, whether it be a child of the navigation root, or a child of another visible page. Selecting and typing in the input field will perform a search of the wiki for pages with the searched text.

Once chosen, the navigation children may be reordered by dragging and dropping the lines for their entries, and may be removed by clicking on the ‘x’ in line with the given entry.

The navigation pane as seen on the equipment wiki page


When you’ve finished editing a wiki page, the Saving tab will submit the saved changes with a required comment which should describe the nature and reason for the edit.

Saving tab, displaying a text field requiring an added comment describing edits and a submission button

Best practices

  • Use markdown instead of html if possible.
  • RealmEye uses html5, so don’t use self closing tags.
    (e.g. use <br> instead of <br /> and <img src="foo"> instead of <img src="foo" />)
  • Only use <br> for new lines within HTML (usually tables), and use <hr> instead of triple hyphens or asterisks to create horizontal rules.
  • Use horizontal rules to separate parts of the content, instead of empty tables and whatnot.
  • When adding images, be sure to include alternate text and title text
    (ex. ![alt text](foo.url "title text") or <img src="foo.url" alt="alt text" title="title text">)
  • Keep the title consistent with the path if possible. This makes linking much easier.
  • Always link to wiki pages with their path (/wiki/page-name).
  • After saving the page, check if there are…
    • any broken links
    • layout differences to the preview
  • When adding images or external links, use https://sitename.com instead of http://sitename.com whenever possible. This will allow users browsing the wiki securely to avoid having traffic over both http and https.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I change on the wiki?

There are a number of ways which you can help the wiki. You can:

  • add to pages which have outdated or missing information
  • correct pages which have incorrect information
  • update poorly formatted wiki pages to follow new styling preferences (as outlined on this page)
  • revert or correct edits which vandalize the wiki and report vandals to a wiki moderator

In addition, the Help the Wiki page is regularly updated with current lists of pages which need updates, so when in doubt, start there.

Where can I see changes and history of the wiki?

A list of all of the most recent edits to any wiki page within the last 24 hours can be found on the Recent Changes of the RotMG Wiki page. Additionally, any page which can be edited retains a history of all edits made to the page, which can be found by clicking on the Page History link in the Tools section while on that page, or by visiting /history-of-wiki-page/<page name> for the given wiki page.

What does this rounded arrow symbol mean? Rounded Arrow Symbol

This rounded arrow symbol is shown in the right-most column of the history of any page which was reverted to an earlier revision. Hovering over the symbol will name the version which was reverted to, and clicking on the symbol will link to the page as it appeared in that version.

What does this lock symbol mean? Lock Symbol

This lock symbol is shown to the top-right of any locked page and in the right-most column of the history of any page which was locked or edited while locked. Locked pages may not be edited or reverted in any way except by wiki moderators.
If you feel a locked page needs to be edited, send a message to a wiki moderator regarding a need for such a change.