10 by 10 knight skin


standing and moving:

i added some shading but it will be hard to see it


this aint it chief


can u not count it 10 by 10


This skin could honestly use some shading and some of the colors dont match up between sprites.


i know i am trying to get good at coloring


It looks like a patriot! Ya know, like, Revolutionary War patriot.


hmm maybe but they use guns


But swords were commonly used in warfare until the 20th century. Although shields weren’t used by Revolutionary War soldiers. Still, it kinda fit with the patriot look because of the redcoat and patriot skins for the assassin and paladin. Either way, I like it.


Why is he carrying a huge ham?


Why is it that in side view he is stabbing but in front and back views he is slashing?


it’s supposed to be a shield but that’s funny a ham lol


its ugly asf, also peep 7 likes :wink:


why does the top animation look like he’s humping thin air


well if u add him shooting Projectiles then it will be better but idk how to


Simply adding projectiles doesn’t quite make a skin better.
I agree with the others - make the side animation a downward slash, rather than such an odd upward stab: this makes the skin more consistent and thus nicer to look at in-game.


dose this help


Lmfao his leg just randomly gets real fat


it’s supposed to look like just moving forward


Hahahahaha when @ItWorking walks his leg gets fat


it really does just look like a big ham, no lie mate