17 Item ideas by Scorchmist


Holy shit I lost it at the scepter damage. Just use this: http://latex.codecogs.com/eqneditor/editor.php?mode=NEW
Pretty good ideas overall, nice job.


oh crap, i forgot to copy my equation img

but yeah lol, my lovely sharex editing[quote=“MessltUp, post:3, topic:11562”]
But for real, those sprites look dope.

Thanks, first time actually doing the sprites for my ideas, usually just kidnap curlip or piggby[quote=“Atrapper, post:2, topic:11562”]
Personally, I really like the scepters,

yeah they are one of my favourites. The two traps were one of the quickest made ideas. [quote=“Atrapper, post:2, topic:11562”]
Some of them seem a bit unreasonable due to them having radical effects

was it that bad?


The description for how the trap works isn’t really clear. Maybe I’m retarded, but I can’t tell what’s going on. Any help?


um which one, i have 4


Hawken Spirit.


smh, you forgot to add the stats and description of this one Scorch :<


woops thats not suppose to be there, i ran out of room so i deleted that and a few others

rip i actually have 5 traps i guess
so it works in a similar way to shurikens. If you are off-centered, and when you hold space your screen turns into this
fml when copying from word, all the imgs dont copy.

then when you let go it goes back to normal and it throws the trap which para for 1.5 sec and slow for 3sec


Not bad, just very difficult to implement.


Some nice sprites, at least the onces I haven’t seen. Shame I don’t have time to read them all now.

(The outline on my trap Sprite makes it look out of place :frowning:)


I laughed so hard when I saw the microsoft paint editing on the scepter damage :joy:


I especially like the ideas of:

  • having a buff radius like a trap where only players withing the circle get a buff

  • the idea that there is a cursor lock as the downside to DPS - like you can only shoot forwards and aim with the rotate keys


wait which one is that? the tranqulity bow? i think you read it wrong. [quote=“Stuartcat, post:14, topic:11562”]
I laughed so hard when I saw the microsoft paint editing on the scepter damage :joy:

too lazy to change it… also sharex editing changes your writing slightly


I’m surprised you use that, any particular reason? Just curious.


well b/c i just took a picture from the wiki and it was easier to just do it there.


I love the trap of the Hawken Spirit! That’s an incredible idea.

On a slightly unrelated and unintentionally savage note, I have never seen a curlip sprite in my life that I like (not to throw shade or anything, I just don’t see the charm :3)


haha thanks! hawken spirit was originally one of my earliest sprites but in forms of armor/rings, then turned into quiver, but felt it best for trap.


Ancient Helmet
the meager stat boosts are hardly impressive enough to consider taking the time to swap out a normal helm for them, especially considering the short duration. and even if you did boost those particular stats the the point where they make a difference, it’d just be a mini-jugg for those who can’t get one. it’s just kind of plain and boring.

Robe of Inner Corruption
the 15 def makes this yet another tanky alternative robe like Shendyt and Soulless, and the weapon range increase is really kind of pointless because they’re already so long-range that start going off the screen without that boost. another plain item with a nearly useless effect.

Berserker’s Helmet
so you just go slightly faster than normal for shorter duration than normal but also have to put up with no brakes? oh there’s an extra 200 damage in there. the super speed is really only useful for running across the realm, so basically an extra candy ring. the damage could be kind of useful, but less so due to the out of control running around. this one’s not exactly bland, but not entirely practical either.

Scepter of Soul Reaping
this is only useful when it kills an enemy, and that’s only likely to happen in a situation where you’re fighting many very weak enemies. if that’s the situation, then a normal scepter can kill them just as easily by spamming their high damage blasts for much less mp than this one. I can’t see myself using it.

Bow of Tranquility
sprite looks like a book-end. the “lock-on” may be useful for hitting hard to hit targets, but you put it on the weapon type whose tiered weapon has the widest attack zone and is the easiest to aim of all. as a result, I’d rather just use a covert and get the consistent hits combined with the possibility of landing multiple projectiles for higher damage. you said that you didn’t want it on a wand or staff, but those are probably the most practical weapons to have this effect on in the first place.

Helmet of the Fallen Samurai
sprite looks like a shield. the effect is gimmicky and new, but the actual buff is nearly useless and unneeded. the difference between this and a a normal helm is so very minor that it’s not worth grounding yourself to a tiny little zone. not practical.

Trap of the Hawken Spirit

the effect looks neat, but it’s on a bow class. bows don’t shoot that far, and actually throwing the trap ends that effect so it really doesn’t do very much at all. I’d be more concerned about the 0 visibility behind me than the extra visibility given to me in an area I have like no effect in.

Scepter of the Astute Tactician

under what?
seems like another gimmick that’s only really useful on super weak enemies, and in that case the spamibility of normal scepters works just fine.

I’ll respond to the “boring ones” later.


i guess thats true, it pails in comparison to jugg. But i still feel it has potential for solo play. [quote=“Xaklor, post:21, topic:11562”]
the weapon range increase is really kind of pointless because they’re already so long-range that start going off the screen without that boost. another plain item with a nearly useless effect.

get yours eyes check xaklor, it is a range decrease thus the higher defense. [quote=“Xaklor, post:21, topic:11562”]
but not entirely practical either.

yeah this one could probably have used some more work on it. [quote=“Xaklor, post:21, topic:11562”]
I can’t see myself using it.

rip you. my basis was things like bosses with small minions or things like sprite gods! I guess its more fun geared [quote=“Xaklor, post:21, topic:11562”]
weapon type whose tiered weapon

damn, i didnt consider that, i originally gonna go wand, but i guess should’ve went wand. [quote=“Xaklor, post:21, topic:11562”]
not practical.

i guess the effect was too small for the grounding? maybe ill think of something for it [quote=“Xaklor, post:21, topic:11562”]
I’d be more concerned about the 0 visibility behind me than the extra visibility given to me in an area I have like no effect in.

well gonna take risks, meant for when you have a wall behind you. Although wands would’ve made it a better choice, but the actual shooting effect wouldnt work. [quote=“Xaklor, post:21, topic:11562”]
under what?

rip me, i guess i forgot to copy the image. [quote=“Xaklor, post:21, topic:11562”]
seems like another gimmick that’s only really useful on super weak enemies

its an insurance scepter! meaning you will always get good value from your scepter, and won’t waste it on little enemies. If its a bunch of little enemies, you could insta wreck like 9 enemies.

Thanks for the comments, agreed with most of what you said which exception of the two scepters. and the robe which u read wrong.

what do u think about the sprites,descrip/names other than the shelf holder? i spent most of my time doing sprites.


You’re likely completely justified… but come on, just tell me what I’m doing wrong


dang, well it’s not the first time that’s happened ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

hmmm, well:

Robe of Inner Corruption looks like a purple soulless

Ancient Helmet and Berserker’s helmet are both totally fine on their own, but they’re very similar to each other.

Scepter of Soul Reaping looks more like a giant wand than a scepter

I have no clue what the hawken trap is supposed to be

Scepter of the Astute Tactician is good, although I can see why puffagod wouldn’t like it that much

Wand of Wicked Sorrow is too wide for such a tiny handle, it looks more like a claw than a wand

I don’t really like the extra pixels above the Summoning Circle and the Bubble Fun trap

the dart is really good, I’d just take off some pixels down the middle of each big feather and make two smaller ones. or maybe I’ll change my mind once you do that and say the big ones are better.

Power’s staff looks good, but the spell looks kind of shapeless and deformed.

not going to lie, the net is abysmal

and the vine trap is okay, albeit a little odd.

so mostly not that bad, but there’s some that aren’t great.
also the names are all good, and I didn’t think the descriptions were bad.