A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]




read the rules and look at the contributor list!


@Shatter Thank you for organizing this event, it is very nice of you :wink:
My meaningful post:


Well, i would like to thanks everyone who makes this possible, especially @Tealeaves, i wish i could be like him.
Also i want to say thanks to @Shatter , and that it would be a honor to meet him.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! :slight_smile:


Thank you @Kasperj for donating this much into this giveaway. I was surprised when I saw that many donations because I don’t even have 100 life myself when it comes to the amount of items I have :c


Thanks @Shu for contributing to the giveaway! I admire people that aren’t stingy and that actually give things away.
Thank you to all who contributed. Good luck everyone.

My thoughtful post (I don’t know if this counts…): Realmeye Forums vs. Rotmg Reddit Sub


Firstly, thank you very much @Shatter and the rest of those who helped for putting such a big event together, not for themselves, but for the whole ROTMG community. That in all deserves a lot of credit. But personally, I really want to thank @LexCorp rp for their help, guidance, motivation, and contribution to the ROTMG community and I. Ever since I ran by you in the nexus, and thought you were AFK, to the time we were talking about our personal lives, you have been there for me. From helping me get through some really tough personal issues that I have never experienced, and to sharing your story with me, I really want to give you a big Thank You. Like I said, Shatter you are one “crazy” fellow realmer for taking up such a huge task, not for yourself, but for the ROTMG community. I know the community and I would like to give EVERYONE who made this event happen, a humongous appreciation. This is a very good opportunity, during the holidays, for the whole realm community to get together, and thank everyone not just in-game, but in real life, because you never know when those will be the last words you will hear from them. To emphasize, I appreciate all the donors, and the people behind this event for putting this together.
Thank You,
From Your Fellow Realmer,
Happy Holidays
My Meaningful Post besides My Helpful Forum Post: I keep dying


Thank you so much Itsaname for donating 82 items! People like you are what really makes the RotMG community amazing! You will make many players happy this Christmas! Thank you so much : D!



Thank you *** for originally coming up for the idea and constantly improving
@Shatter for implementing it, heading it, Organising it, doing all the artwork getting ppl to donate and the enormous task of collecting all 1401 items(based on the last time I checked) and creating many mules
(I don’t care if u said not to thank u)
@Stupidity for all the great advice u gave to enhance this project
@Scorchmist for giving each item an estimated worth in life and playing them forum games with me
Tks all regulars for helping with this project
Tks Reddit mods for giving shatter the permission to post on Reddit
Tks all the doners for donating and trusing that shatter would not pull the ultimate scam
Tks @Xaklor for your contribution in items, epic discord tag and typing out the long doner list among other things
Tks MarshYalo for introducing me to rotmg

Contribution: introducing the best trickster guide and why it’s the best class

Contribution: hopefully entertaining everyone with my story

Contribution: helping to organise the forum

@Shatter u know which skin I want right trys to hint


ahhhhh!!! everyone keeps forgetting orginal idea user wants his name annoymous!



Fck I forgot


I would like to thank everyone for making this possible. It is the biggest giveaway I’ve ever seen. hats off to you all. I would like to thank @trofimowen because he makes me laugh so much even when im sad!:slight_smile: link: Is knight to OP? should the OP be decreased?


Thanks for donating @BLOODQWEN

Meant to donate earlier myself but honestly completely forgot. I’d be more than happy to toss in a couple skins next time you are available @Shatter


Thanks @CannedSoup for donating, keep up the great vids :smiley: :grinning:


sorry, dyslexia. thanks!


Thank you to all you extremely generous contributors!
Happy holidays! :smiley:


@Shu Thank you for contributing to the cause, people like you really make my day! Seeing all of these people take the time out of their day really warms my heart :slight_smile:

And a personal thank you to @BTEL for being a good pal to talk to whenever I was bored and needed to talk to someone, I really do appreciate it bud :slight_smile: You may think that you didn’t do much, but having someone to talk to really made some of my lesser days better.


Thanks to @Trofimowen, he’s a cool guy in a great guild. Hope everyone has a great Christmas. *lowkey asks santa for priest/archer skin *

Also for the door prize: What were some good things you remember about the game that you don't see today


I really want to thank you! I have been playing the game for a few years now and to see how far the realm has progressed is incredible. I love seeing what the community does for all those who play the game, such as events like these! I just want to thank every single person who contributed an item and also Deca for making a wonderful Halloween and thanksgiving event. Kasperj I really am appreciative of how much you have donated and that goes for each of the other top contributors, a special thanks to you all for helping me get the chance of receiving at least 1 item this month of giving :slight_smile: A special thanks to @Tangelo. I have received so much advice from you and and even more items haha :smile: But really I want to thank you for helping get to where I am today, without you I would have never been introduced to this game :slight_smile: And for the door prizes My Advice For Players Struggling


Since I can’t thank @Shatter lol, I’m gonna send a thanks and a cookie plate to @Kasperj for making a pretty generous donation to the realmeye Christmas event, and as said earlier here is your cookie plate! :smile:
