

Although that would be quite visually appealing, the purpose of my idea was completely thematic.

Mithril —> invincibility

Colossus —>Absorption

And also, i thought it would make sense that a green shield would heal, as that’s the color associated with healing in this game.

Also enemies could slightly change to a higher hue. (but avoid the eye cancer that was made by the curse status effect).

(inb4 curse + absorption = fabulous breast cancer awareness enemies)


so is red


What where is red healing in realm.

anyway snake skin shield!


… explanation required.


No, snake skin shield is for the “sneaky” buff!!!1!!!



… well, that’s an argument i can’t disprove, but i think my reasoning for mine is slightly better.

When a Priest heals you, you receive that +??? in green.

And as this Absorption buff would function, it would show those same colored numbers on the enemy. Hence, why i think green is the better theme of healing in this situation.

Game Mechanic: Disable Teleporting [Rogue/Trickster]

cool. Surprised i havent seen this yet.

I was thinking of doing negative dmg with my wand that i was making.


I feel that this idea has potential; I’d personally like to see it in the game.

A way to prevent people from wanting to troll through healing the enemy on purpose is to make the damage they deal count as negative damage dealt. This would cause those players to leave the soulbound threshold, thus having less chance for loot.


Oh that’s actually pretty clever. And a sb multiplier could also be added since Absorption periods are probably quite short, so if the multiplier was 5, and you dealt negative 100 damage, you would lose 500 damage from your soul bound.

While sb is pretty easy to achieve in most places, I feel like the superstitious nature of most players means that they’ll be super uptight about not dealing negative damage.




This is similar to Ruth’s healing when he fires in all directions to recover before being smacked again.

I like it. Thing is that people will have to actually think when fighting enemies with this “Absorption”.

Some people won’t know what they’re doing and will keep firing at the boss, simply put.

It may also cause a lot of lag because of the healing pixels flying everywhere.

If there is no pixels… People will think it’s some type of poison-text rehaul. Hopefully the bosses make it clear that they’re healing!


Maybe there could be pixels rising from the enemy sprite…

Like char sprites do when they get healing from priest or pally


Lol equips indomptable and t6 dex ring while enemy has Colossus over head.


bump so trof’s topics never die


Bump again


Perhaps boss fights can insert these periods for 0.5 seconds, randomly? This way, like the MBC, when everyone is just mindlessly shooting the boss and not really paying attention to what the fuck they’re doing, they’ll actually slow down the boss fight.

Now, while this may seem bad, keep in mind that healed damage DOES still count to your sb (you hit an enemy, enemy heals the damage taken, you still have soulbound). This would immensely help for those that just can’t seem to get sb in a lh (cough, me, cough), while not having potential to troll.

So here’s the scenario:

Marble colossus is tanking about 10,000 dps (just as a rough estimate, probably not that small in 80~ ppl groups), then in its vulnerable stage, it suddenly has absorption for 1 second. People being the mindless idiots they are, they KEEP shooting. Therefore the mbc heals 10,000 damage, allowing 10,000 hitpoints more for those to get sb.

I’ve noticed like 10 ppl out of around 70~ in a typical mbc group getting 0s (myself included). Absorption would be a really cool and effective effect.

Or deca could just add healing +1,000 or +10,000 every time dps to a monster exceeds a certain threshold…or scale hp in lh so vulnerability phases don’t last 1/3 of a fucking second.

And could be implemented in early stage bosses, so noobs can learn to strategically hit bosses, and to minimize trolling (i mean seriously who’s gonna troll a frickin pcave)


Shit i just realized i necroposted because someone bumped this thread .-. my bad


cant let trof’s posts die


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