Abyss's dead ends ; Gravestones of rushers or just in deadly places


I say this in the name of every rusher, whether new or veteran, we have all started from nothing and climbed to where we are today. Rushing is as deadly as it is rewarding and the appreciation we recieve from time to time for running through a cdepth or squeezing between the oryx’s goons just to break some pots in lost halls is often enough to keep us going. But sometimes I feel beat, lost, forgotten.

I wish for our fallen brothers and sisters to be remembered; for their gravestones to be there cheering for us or warning us to not make the same mistake they commited.

I want gravestones to be put in dungeons in places where it would be common for people to get killed.
One easy implementation would be in the abyss.
It is known for its hard to read layout where the visibility isnt big enough to see if the room you’re going into is a dead end or not. Very often players don’t kill enough enemies or just straight up ignore them hoping that there is space to dodge ahead of them and in the moment they think they have to dodge an undodgeable wall of bullets coming at them from the only direction that is free to move towards, and they die.

All it would take is for gravestones to be put in dead ends making it a pretty easy thing to do. Perhaps other dungeons like cdepths (in front of the cobweb wall) and lost halls (low chance to generate everywhere) etc. can also use gravestones.

The gravestones could be either fresh (in newly released dungeons) or with stuff growing on it already/broken etc. (in older dungeons). One easy way (maybe) would be to just make the release date of the dungeon to dictate the age of the gravestones.

Not sure if this is the right place to post this, its a cosmetic idea but it is mostly in the dungeons ALTHOUGH i can see it be applied to the realm events aswell


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