Ancient Doom Bow (Reworked)


The range is the exact same. Also if multihit was removed, the normal dbow would be better I reckon.


Sprites look amazing

I think the damage per shot should be reduced to 450-500, giving it a slightly higher average rather than increasing the base damage by a bunch.

The souls should give it enough extra damage for it to be worth farming for.


Yes, but this is already blatantly better, whereas it should be good, but not so much a direct upgrade.
Especially when the dungeon has such high droprates.


Well why wouldn’t it be a direct upgrade if the dungeon is a direct upgrade from the normal udl?


Because the Heroic UDL is a dungeon and the Doom Bow is an item.
Making an item blatantly better is a bad idea and introduces power-creep.
It should still maintain balance, even if it is overall better, there should be some ‘downsides’ to using it that make it a good idea to still use the Original D-Bow in different situations.
That’s what makes UT’s situational.

Remember that UT’s don’t work the same way as tiered items.


I see. I guess I’ve been playing too many p-servers or something. Would it be wrong to have the heroic UDL drop a mark which allows you to reforge the normal Doom Bow into this Doom Bow?


I mean, this with some balances is fine.
I saw the change you made and now it’s great.
The soul idea is unique and it may still be a direct upgrade to Doom Bow, but now it feels better balanced. So props to you man :clap::ok_hand:


TL:DR: you’re wrong and I’m right :slight_smile:

the purple theme from the ancient dblade was lazy to begin with, on top of the sprite being a slightly modified recolor of the doom bow.

btw btw

the range wasn’t reduced, the normal doom bow and this have the same range.

TL:DR: something about the arrow looking like a midget marble colossus.

TL:DR why no heroic sept link?

also how would the “souls” work? would they move away from the monster they came from and then explode? or would it just explode and nothing else?

ALSO ALSO ALSO, the final part of the description doesn’t sound right, at least to me. “Until now… What remains of Septavius rests within. or something Idk” would sound better to me gramattically atleast.

ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO, don’t mind the first bit on the top, it was a joke

also also also also also, Im gonna have to 1 up you now by making an even worse version of this, it’s entirely personal, cidd.


After they make the epic udl obtainable to everyone, I think this is going to be a great idea! But until then… Also, about the part you noted about the mark and reforging, I think that would be a better idea. Overall cool idea and nice sprites


Actually, as noted before, I do like the design. The sprite work is beautiful and the upgrade is small but meaningful. However, after commenting on another person’s idea, I decided to make the same (or similar) comment here. I like you idea because its simple. It takes the doom bow and adds a small upgrade that can be nice and useful at times and makes sense with the entire idea of a doom bow. However, given that, I think it would be cooler if you created a new bow around this idea rather then using the boring ol’ doom bow and creating a different version of it. Perhaps the ancient doom bow has the same effect, lower damage, and higher firing rate. Perhaps it’s slower but comes with even more damage. Perhaps it’s faster and has more damage but no longer has pierce. Perhaps it truly is ancient and becomes similar to the ripper with slow projectile speed in exchange for buffed stats.

The idea of a creating a slightly upgraded version of a bow that already exists just isn’t appeasing to me. There’s two main issues I have with it. First, doom bow is already considered a well balanced bow, one of the best in the game. The idea of creating an upgrade to it may make the ancient doom bow stronger then it should be, especially as the harder version isn’t that much harder. Secondly, the idea of there being two different whites that are practically identical just seems like a bad idea. If you implemented the mark idea that you mentioned earlier, it would just make farming for this “advanced doom bow” so much more difficult and really in the end, a pain.


Jokes aside, this is a literal reskin of the normal Doom bow with nothing changed except the feed power, description, and the soul thingy.

well no shit, because its, again, a slightly tweaked dbow with barely anything added. so of course it’s gonna be better, sorry “m8”.

< is a slightly modified doom bow sprite
< has similar arrows to the void bow (which is probably a coincidence)

Also before anyone can counter me with that my idea is bad, I’ll just say of course it is since I put as much thought into it as Decker did with the “”“Original”"" ancient doombow, with more noticeable tweaks of course. So checkmate, you degenerative pinecones.


with 8*8 sprites, more or less everything is a variation of another existing item. It’s not the actual shape that counts, it’s how the colors work with the shape

Also, i’m sorry but what is the “original ancient dbow”?

Edit: Plus man, just cause someone else also fucks up doesn’t give you the right to fuck up. Like, you’re idea wasn’t terrible but don’t use DECA’s laziness as an excuse. Be better then DECA


the “original” ancient dbow was in testing, it literally changed nothing about the dbow, except faster bullet speed.

That was the joke Xddddd, I also wasn’t using it as an excuse tbh.


It still looks a hell of a lot better, I would love to see this in game, along with an entire rework of the Hudl and the Habby.


I think this should be differentiated from the base doom bow a bit more, here’s my take on this idea.

Ancient Doom Bow

An unfathomably powerful weapon, pulled from the spirit realm. Legend states only an undead god could use it to it’s full potential.

Tier UT
Shots 1
Damage 450–500 (average: 475)
Projectile Speed 17 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.4 seconds
Range 6.8 tiles
Amplitude 0.15
Frequency 1.5
Effects Shots hit multiple targets, 33% chance after hitting an enemy for a Soul to exit the enemy and explode.
Soul Damage 100-150 (average: 125)
Soul Radius 3
Rate of Fire 33%
Fame Bonus 7%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 1500
Loot Bag Assigned to White Bag
Drops From Heroic Septavius The Ghost God

It has a slightly higher dps, while having a slightly reduced range and a small amount of wiggle in the shot, similar to the spirit dagger.


Huh…the sprite…is GOOD. I LIKE it. Well done!


it has increased range…


like what Leohe said, it still has slightly increased range ://///////

nice amplitude thing though, I’ll have to look on pfifiel and see how wide it is tho


forgot to change that when I was tweaking on pfifel, I’ll fix


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