Apprentice Wizard ST set [Early Game ST]


Lavender Staff:
magestaff png (projectile) png (projectile with the whole set)
Desc: This weapon stands as the first piece of four, scattered by the cult of mages throughout various trial dungeons in an attempt to teach young mages about the power of a complete set.
The other three pieces stand in the possession of: Mama Megamoth, hidden in the Forest Maze; Arachna the Spider Queen, found in the Spider Den and Mixcoatl the Masked God, located in the Forbidden Jungle.
You might want to save this item in your vault to complete the full set before using it!

Tier: ST
Shots: 4 (Arc gap: 1°)
Damage: 25-40 (avg. 32.5)
RoF: 115%
Range: 8.71
Projectile Speed: 38.2 tiles/s
Projectile Lifetime: 228
Amplitude: 0.4
Frequency: 0.83
On Equip: +2 WIS, +2 VIT
Fame Bonus: 1%
Feed Power: 110

Drops from: Queen Bee (The Hive) ThON0a5

Note: A staff with a slightly faster Rate of Fire than normal, to make up for the non-maxed DEX of newer players, paired with 4 shots that travel very quickly. This makes it easy for newer players to land hits on enemies that tend to jerk a lot. It also teaches them the difference between tiered staves and untiered ones as the damage falls a lot below tiered staves as enemy defense increases. It’s completely outclassed by T10 and above given that its only purpose as an item is to introduce STs to newer players and make their life a little easier.

Fluttering Spellbomb:
magespell png (projectile)
Desc: This spell stands as the second piece of four, scattered by the cult of mages throughout various trial dungeons in an attempt to teach young mages about the power of a complete set.
The other three pieces find themselves hoarded by: Mama Megamoth, hidden in the Forest Maze; Arachna the Spider Queen, found in the Spider Den and Queen Bee, located in The Hive.
You might want to save this item in your vault to complete the full set before using it!

Tier: ST
MP Cost: 70
On Equip: +3 WIS, +3 VIT
Effects: Shots pass through obstacles
Shots: 30 (Arc gap: 15°)
Damage: 30–70 (avg. 50)
Total Damage: 900–2100 (avg. 1500)
Projectile Speed: 1.5 tiles/second
Lifetime: 5000
Range: 7.5 tiles
Amplitude: 0.5
Frequency: 10
Fame Bonus: 1%
Feed Power: 120

Drops from: Mixcoatl the Masked God (Forbidden Jungle) ThON0a5

Note: An interesting spell with shots that don’t collide with obstacles. This is especially useful from lowlands to highlands where theres a ton of trees in the way. It’s wave-like pattern, slower shot speed and higher shot count makes it great and easy to hit a lot of enemies.

Sturdy Robe:
Desc: This robe stands as the third piece of four, scattered by the cult of mages throughout various trial dungeons in an attempt to teach young mages about the power of a complete set.
The other three pieces are kept by: Arachna the Spider Queen, found in the Spider Den; Mixcoatl the Masked God, located in the Forbidden Jungle and Queen Bee hidden in The Hive.
You might want to save this item in your vault to complete the full set before using it!

Tier: ST
On Equip: +10 DEF
Fame Bonus: 1%
Feed Power: 105

Drops from: Mama Megamoth (Forest Maze) ThON0a5

Wizard’s Medallion:
Desc: This trinket stands as the fourth, and last piece, of a set of four items scattered by the cult of mages throughout various trial dungeons in an attempt to teach young mages about the power of a complete set.
The other three pieces have been stockpiled by: Mama Megamoth, found in the Forest Maze; Mixcoatl the Masked God, located in the Forbidden Jungle and Queen Bee hidden in The Hive.
You might want to save this item in your vault to complete the full set before using it!

Tier: ST
On Equip: +30 HP, +70 MP, +3 DEF
Fame Bonus: 1%
Feed Power: 90

Drops from: Arachna the Spider Queen (Spider Den) ThON0a5

Apprentice Wizard Set:
2 Pieces: +5 SPD
3 Pieces: +2 DEF, +5 SPD
Full Set: +20 HP, +30 MP, +50 VIT, +50 WIS
Total: +50 HP, +100 MP, +0 ATT, +15 DEF, +10 SPD, +0 DEX, +55 VIT, +55 WIS

This ST set is only really relevant in the earlier stages of the game due to being completely outclassed later on. It is tinkered to make the life of new players who gather this whole ST set, easier by offering a decent amount of DEF, some SPD for their unmaxed characters, some MP to be able to cast more times, some HP for survivability and 55 VIT/WIS to make up for the fact that they lack a decent pet. This should make them able to regenerate HP/MP a little faster.
All in all, the set offers a good amount of survivability stats and easy to use weapons, giving them more confidence into trying harder stuff and get accustomed to the game. It also serves as a short term goal for newbies as they don’t really have anything to achieve other than “get good” to be able to do harder dungeons for whites, which can take quite a while, especially with no pets.

Additional Notes

Supposedly this set has a 16x16 Skin but since i can’t imagine what it would look like, nor am I a good sprite maker (I already have some trouble with 8x8 sometimes so I can’t even imagine doing 16x16), I didn’t make one for the set. Just imagine it exists and that it looks somewhat cool.

Also, for anyone wanting to see how the staff/spell work, here are the XML so you can test them in Pfiffel’s calculator.
(On second thought, I won’t put them here because they get destroyed by the formatting of the document. If you know how i can link them or something of the sort, please do tell me)

Lavender Staff DPS compared to others (Corn is Lavender Staff):


inb4 DECA adds these into misery boxes


Wow, I reallly appreciate how much dedication got into this just for new players. I hope something like that will be implemented, I don’t see any flaw in it, it just seems perfect!


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