Aprill fools Reskins


So my idea of Aprill fools reskins for next year. They are t6 Reskins

Kings Gold Cape

If you want create a funny decriptions do it in comment section.

Quiver of Thousand Bows

quiver net-gifmaker%20(17)
If you want create a funny decriptions do it in comment section.

Credit Card Spell

spell proj19
Credit card spell hits a little close to home for comfort. Sprite: PisakPl Descrption:Adolfia

Joking Tome

If you want create a funny decriptions do it in comment section.

Helm of Cow General

If you want create a funny decriptions do it in comment section.

Pillow Shield

If you want create a funny decriptions do it in comment section.

Cookie of Full Champion

If you want create a funny decriptions do it in comment section.

Water Balloon Poison

If you want create a funny decriptions do it in comment section.

Clowns Skull

f you want create a funny decriptions do it in comment section.

Puppet in Trap

If you want create a funny decriptions do it in comment section.

Cornflakes Orb

If you want create a funny decriptions do it in comment section.

Fake Eyeball Prism

If you want create a funny decriptions do it in comment section.

Firework Scepter

If you want create a funny decriptions do it in comment section.

Onion Circle

If you want create a funny decriptions do it in comment section.

Aprills Fool new boss

I like. :smile:


The only sprites I like are the star and the tome, possibly the seal as well. My biggest issues are the shapes of the actual sprites, they don’t really fit well imo


Yeah, most of these don’t seem rotmg like.


Helm of cow general - just the same shape like helm of great general
Quiver of thousand bows- just T6 quiver + golden bow


Very creative, i like many of them. Not a fan of many names though


You can change names, create a descrptions as you want


Credit card spell hits a little close to home for comfort.



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