Armored Shield


A shield that gives armored, like how shields are supposed to kind of protect you when an enemy comes.

Drains 40 MP per second ( When key held, armored on self, and also slowed )
Disables all mana recovery

When hit when key held, 50% of doing a counter attack from the shield, 2 shots dealing 400 - 600 damage, stunned for 2.5 seconds, cooldown of 5 seconds.

The Counter has a range of 4, travels 6 tiles per second, 5 arc gap between both shots.

Stat Bonuses
15 DEF, 20 MP, +3 SPD


Is that a downgrade of Crystal Shield?


I was about to say. Maybe this is a mid-game friendlier version for those that can’t do CC’s?


Okay I made it a tad bit different from the crystal shield, but also the crystal shield doesn’t really give any stat bonuses, added a counter attack from the shield, and also decreased the MP, 50>40 mana a second


No sprite, you say?


Here are two more in case the white one doesn’t fit with the theme!

image 760


When you look it from far it kind of does look like an armor ( At least for me ) Nice drawings by the way.


I was so terrified you were going to say that. All of my shields tend to look like armor, and you’re actually not the first to mention it:

Ah, well. :smile:
srry for the ping ybn


for this shield at least, what makes it look like armor is the middle part being darker than the two white lines next to it, giving it the illusion of depth (things that are sunken in are in the shadow of the parts next to them) one way to fix this might be to create the shield and shade it without the ornamentation, then add the ornaments after so that the under part is one whole unit and the ornaments are on top


Crystal shield has a projectile when key released, this one is only on reactive proc.

Also, the cooldown on the proc in addition to its randomness makes it dangerous to pull off (you gotta tank, and armored wont brush off high dmg shots as easily as low dmg shots) and frustrating if you use up all your mana pool without ever procing it.


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