Biard (Bird Bard) Pet skin! Based on my winning meme contest entry.




I’m scared. Please, send help! This… thing is going to scar me!


Please no


Enough of RotMG forum for today


Flappy Bard: The Awakening


i can see everyone replying this has no idea what the context is because like? how do you find a bird cursed?


It’s merely joking from my end. I frequently enjoy people’s spriting efforts, but it can be fun to poke at some of the rediculous ones. If the artist finds offense in anything I say, I’ll redact any of my statements. (Plus, my aim is never to be offensive in first place. I don’t like upsetting people :no_mouth:)


oh thats fine, i just see other people commenting similar things and it took me totally off guard because i didnt expect such a reaction for lil’ bird. its fine!


That’s legit what I expect to be knocking on my door at 2 in the morning.


Yeah this is very good don’t worry


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