Blade of Dawn (Vanity)


stop right there, the cops want you in for lying to a federal prosecutor



then ask my ex, lel

or you know, don’t. please. she’s a psycho.




omMG descriinmmtation agsanst HETROSECKSUALSS an OMEN?!?!1?
u rackist bygot.


i’m actually 50% serious about it she was legit making me insane


hmmm but that’s what all men say about their gfs! >:U we’ll get to the bottom of this, just you wait.


I agree he must be gay, he could be not even human . . .


What are you hiding huh? Don’t think i don’t see you watching those cooking shows. Plus you already know how to make Pumpkin pie like tf?


dude pumpkin pie is the shit ok


SO DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO APPLE PIE?? Also stop watching those cooking shows, you can just search it online.


cooking is gross, spriting is :ok_hand:

also pistachio muffins are best

that’s enough off-topic for now tho


Nah, I prefer waffles instead of pizza, horses are pretty


Pistachio muffins, I didn’t that existed. :thinking:


:pancakes: :horse: :pizza:

there’s no waffle emoji




Nah, screw horses dragons are cool


i agree

< /sarcasm >

this has gone on far enough


It clearly hasn’t gone far enough, we must delve in more


I agree


Item updates damage based on the average sun rise time in your location? :thinking: Item nerfs itself during winter solstice OwO?