Bloodlust Champion Skin


Bloodlust Champion Skin

Each time you anger him, you bring yourself closer to death.

Class: Knight


The skin is a little bit bland and there’s no shading in it (at least not that I can notice) . The skin has no highlight and the sword is just a grey stick without any shade. Also, the grey blends a little bit.


If you want to get into detail, DM me on Discord! My tag is bonk#0438.


Skin looks alright. Shade the blade and try to change the movement


The animations are not good and the overall skin doesn’t look that interesting. Sorry to say.


feels like im looking at the platnium knight, its meh. like 5/10. personally think warrior is a better “bloodlust” character



really? i tried to make them contrast a bit…


nice catch. didn’t see it. fixed.

sent you friend req


What’s your username?




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