Broken Crystal Fragment (UT dagger)


Broken Crystal Fragment

Damage: 40-110
Shots: 2
Arc Gap: 180
Rate of Fire: 150%
Projectile Speed: 1
Lifetime: 1000
Amplitude: 6
Frequency: 0.5

Fame Bonus: 6%
Feed Power: 1100

White bag from Crystal Entity


I think the projectiles would just stack up here in practice. Why not make it a single shot that deals 80-220 damage?

Also, is this supposed to shoot 90° to the left of the cursor?

Try putting the numbers into Haizor’s DPS Calculator to test this stuff out.


The way I i did it the projectiles should shoot backwards and boomerang back to the player, also for the shots, the shot pattern i made only works with 2 projectiles, 1 wouldnt work


So i did a but of messing around and found that Haizors DPS Calculator is incorrect, the way it inputs and creates arc gaps is wrong, so in Haizors the weapon shoots to the side when it should be shooting backwards


Did you try using the old version of the calculator? The new one still needs some tweaks in terms of the weapon viewer (Corruption Cutter hits both shots at maximum range in it).

You can also try using the outdated Pfiffel to do it. The weapon editor is pretty reliable.


I’ve been using Pfiffel


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