Changing up Ninja


May 3

not even gonna bother past that.


You can’t even explain what changed since then?


I for one think that the ninja is fine the way it is. Sure, not having the highest stat anywhere makes it seem bland at the first glance, but once you take a closer look and get a better understanding of the class, the fact that it doesn’t beat other classes out in other areas doesn’t matter so much. This is because the ninja’s stats tend to be high across the board, with above-average stats in dex, atk, spd and wis. This leads to a unique, well-rounded mixture that other classes simply don’t have. The ninja is fast, deals a lot of damage, and recovers his mp quickly, without ever really overdoing it.

The star, as it is, is amazing. Sure, they (usually) don’t pierce targets, but that is a simple factor to work around with a little practice in aiming and timing your shots. Piercing is largely unnecessary, and would only serve to make the class more overpowered. The speedy currently provided by stars gives a character without a pet about 25 seconds of being one of the fastest things around, and a player with a good pet the same status as long as desired. It’s awesome.

Looking at both the proposed stat changes and alterations to the star, I think one thing: dagger class. Changes to these stats make the ninja a trickster with a different ability, and repeats in-game are generally looked down upon (hence why huntress is viewed simply as an inferior archer). I suggest if any reworks are to be made to the stats (which I do not presently support), it would be to something we haven’t already seen. The ninja right now is one of my favorite classes because it’s such a unique class. These changes only make it more similar to classes that already exist.

The star (as I previously mentioned) doesn’t need to pierce, and the damage is fine as it is. I don’t need to create a line of death and destruction through minions when I am fighting O2; I only need to hit the boss, and that is powerful enough. As for the ability’s status effects, I think (again): dagger class. While you would be stunned while invisible when using the star here, I still think it takes away from the rogue’s gimmick a little too much. The only thing here is that you get to be invisible for as long as you need, which arguably makes this ninja a better rogue (in terms of invisibility length, along with a similar spd stat) in most scenarios. It can be argued that the stunned effect has a large impact, but it’s too little to not eclipse the cloak user.

Finally, a point that I have seen in multiple spots in this thread: these changes will make a ninja more like what a ninja should be. Yes, the (non-glorified by present day media) ninja was a warrior that was trained for assassination and covert stealth missions, but that isn’t what it’s become. We now think of them as amazing fighters (high dps?..) who are nearly untouchable through their extreme agility and speed (speedy, anyone?). Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. If Realm classes were based so heavily on what the characters were like in actuality or even in literature, wizards would be wise intellectuals who could use spells to change the world around them, not gods of destruction. Necromancers would summon armies of the undead, not convert an enemy’s strength into their own. Knight’s shields would only protect them from attacks, not stun enemies. The list goes on and on.

Ninja’s fine right where it is.


Something I feel a lot of people fail to understand about the ninja is it’s the speed that kills it. It wouldn’t be seen as such a bad class by so many players if everyone would learn to slow down and play it like a ranged class instead of going speedy tank everywhere.

Edit: Imo keep 60 speed and still remove speedy from the star.


Give one reason why this would be smart. You’re literally suggesting a direct nerf for no reason


He was just saying to keep my suggestion but not change the Speed stat.


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