Could deca revive and make money?


Bruh. 5 bucks is wayyyy too fuckin low. I have two ideas, they first one, just make it constant by 50 bucks.

Also, these should be direct payment rather than gold, because ppl will try and sell gold accounts, supporting RWT

2nd one scales with quality:

The price will be 2 dollars if nothing is met, and its scaled like this

All numbers are in usd dollar

Lv 5-9 + 2

Lv 10-15 +4.50

Lv16-20 + 6.50

Only the level you are at counts, if are level 17, you only pay the 6.50 , not the other amounts

FAME is base fame

21-150 fame : +2

151-400 fame : +5

401- 800 fame : +7.50

801-2000 fame : +12.50

2001+ Fame : +20

0/8: +0

1/8: +2

2/8: +4

3/8: +6

4-5/8: +9

6/8: + 12

7/8: + 15

8/8: +20

For every day it is active: +1

For every __ in inventory or equipped (VANITIES COUNT AS WHAT THEY ARE, SO T9 BELLAS RESKINS COUNT AS UTS)

Consumable(not hp/mp pot in the stack): +0.05

Top: + 5

Old Top: +3

Old top-1 :+2

Old top-2: +1

Old top-3: +0.5

Old top-4: +0.25

Old top -5: +0.1

UT: +15

DISCOUNTS (for skill, or just appreciation, these do not stack with each other, if you get more than one discount, they add on):

Wearing back pack: 2%

Dark blue star: 1%

Red star: 1.5%

Orange star:2 %

Yellow star :2.5%

White star: 3%

5-10 fame bonuses: 1%

11-15 fame bonuses: 2.5%

16+ bonuses: 5%

Death by quest boss: 1%

Large dye or cloth: 1%

Small dye or closet:+0.5%



1 grave dungeon: 0%

2grave dungeon: 1%

3 grave dungeon: 3%

4grave dungeon: 5%

5 grave dungeon: 7%

Now this seems like it’s a huge list, let’s give an example for a fully decked out 8/8 Assassin, yellow star, both cloths, with all swapouts, decent vanities, a back pack, 4K base, who died to a abyss brute because a warrior decided to drag. For specific we have these items on it:

Cdirk, foul, amythest, cleg, plague, murky, milk, harly, hydra, spec, gem, candy ring let’s suppose he already did a few successful abysses, so he’s also got a def and 3 vit as well:

Uts: Cdirk, amythest, cleg, plague, murky, harly, spec, gem, candy ring - adds up to 9x15 = 135

Tops: foul milk hydra - adds up to 3x5= 15

It’s 8/8 so +20

It’s lv 20 so + 6.50

It has more than 2001 base, so +20

Let’s say it was active for 3 full days, so +3

We have a sub total of…199.50 usd, now for discounts

Wearing bother cloths, so 2.5%

Died in a 4 grave dungeon so another 5%

Yellow star, so 2.5% again

Wearing backpack, so another 2%

Let’s assume it had many bonuses, so 5%

So we have a total discount of 5+2+2.5+5+2.5 = 17%

Subtract the discount and it’ll cost 165.59


ok so the 5$ is like a base so you guy’s can change it because its only opinion’s but damn thats alot of money for a char.


true and i like what you said about it but couldn’t they make it to were you can revive one character, for one day per month. If you get what a i mean because everyone has a favorite character that that worked so hard to get.


True, but all legends die sometime. If this was implemented it would be like a one-use-per-month ammy physic, and we all know how that went…


every day its active, you mean playtime? or consecutive days I logged in and played on it, cause if its the second one, than that would be at LEAST an extra 200 dollars


I have 2 maxed wizards, so when one dies, there is a backup. And I can use the lower fame one for crazier stuff… Nobody should be revived ever in this game. You can just rebuild. It would destroy fame, trying to get high fame characters, and in case suggesting revival of only stats or items, this would be useless to most players.

Also, I just think this is a bad idea. I think it destroys the feeling of the game. Like, if my big wizzy ever dies, unfortunately, he should be dead and not be revived for any reason. If I didn’t have that feeling, that knowledge that my dude can be gone forever if I slip up, I probably wouldn’t play this game at all.

Edit: Slight edit…


thank you for your opinion love what you say but idk just wanted to see what people think about it.


Why would you spend 5$ every time you die when you can spend only 10$ once to buy another slot, use said slot for throwaway alt characters and never die on your main?


I put 5$ as the base amount you can change it all you want. I’m just seeing what people say about it in their opinions.


And if you put the price any lower, then it still wouldn’t matter because you still need to pay it every single time you die, whereas with alts you only need to buy the slot once and never have to bother paying anything ever again.

No matter what non-null non-negative value you assign to x, x times infinity will always be more than 10.

Not to mention that the entire game was designed with permadeath in mind, so any steps taken towards reducing the impact of permadeath or removing it are likely to break the game for good.


for a shiny old af decked out assasin, id say it’s worth


Double the cost everytime you revive? Maybe lose all fame in that account? That way you can’t just keep reviving a 100k fame character and get hella fame.


If you want Shatter to quit, yes :’(


deca’s on it rn.

ik people said this already and lots of others said this, but this is a bad idea cuz it ruins what the game is about: permadeath.

or make it like $300 for 6/8
$400 for 7/8
$500 for 8/8

only the spoiled rich kids will go now


This is a horrible idea. As everyone said it ruins the point of the game. If your favorite character dies then why the hell were you using it in that situation??

Perma death is perma death, if you don’t like it find a different game.


Noob: Died at level 1 with pro items.

[Pays $5 to DECA]

Noob: Dies again at level 2 with pro items.



I’m so glad this is at least one thing the realm community seems to unanimously agree on :smiley:

It is basically the most fundamental aspect of this game lol


I’ve been relaxed for a long while about the concept of gold-resurrection. My preferred method, to keep in line with the permadeath ethos of Rotmg, would be that choosing to resurrect wears away at your stats until eventually it just becomes pointless to resurrect that character any more.

I posted an example of this in the List all the changes you want Deca to do but will kill the game/make too much backlash thread.

Maybe I’d also say a fame penalty, something of:
-lose all fame, or lose a fixed amount, or a %, or drop to the last “star” amount (20/150/400/800/2000) - though I’ve not overly thought about the connotations of this aspect.

Fame purists needn’t worry, as MrEyeball would be able to see that a character has lower statcaps, he could display these chars differently on the leaderboards, or show separate boards for All characters and Non-resurrect characters.

Good players needn’t worry, their skills will mean they already rarely die, using resurrect only in unusual circumstances.

$-poor players needn’t worry, wear your “never resurrected” with pride and laugh at the dumb fools who pay money for meaningless pixels.

AND it’s very important to remember: nobody is saying that every death should be worthy of a resurrection. It’s would just be an available option. And need fame for your pet? Well you still gotta die for that.

These numbers of $200+, sorry but that’s just completely wacky. Sure! some few lunatics would pay any price for their precious pixels but Deca would just simply make more money overall by pricing it around 2k gold, something that would tempt you to do it but is utterly not worth considering if your death was a 4/8, 89 fame, T11s kind of thing. But if that 4/8 had some shiny dyes on, a dblade you’d just looted after farming abyss 4 days straight, you’d just got an Oryx Kill on it, well maybe you might resurrect. It’d be your choice.

& lastly, lets face it, if you think about it. every autonexus cheater hackclient user is already effectively resurrecting every time their autonexus triggers. I’m not mentioning this to add weight to why resurrect could be in the game, but to point out that the game is already in a state where some players aren’t dying in every situation where they should be, and the sky hasn’t fallen down, the economy goes on, etc. This idea would only add some few other instances where your co-player ends back in the nexus instead of the graveyard.

Deca could certainly make money out of this. And likely, same as when pets came in, a vocal minority would make a lot of noise about it while the rest of the players carry on, occasionally paying for a resurrect when the circumstances are right, and the core game of pewpew continues on.

For a similar earlier thread:

(deleted post)

That reminds me of the ammy duping era, when you couldn’t ever die. Including a revive for money, even if very expensive, would be the death of RotMG.


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