Covert Cobra, a samurai skin


I made a new skin for the samurai i drew

here its

Thanks to Ickabod. He named him!


it kinda reminds me of daichi. cool.


I’d call him ‘Guncat’, or maybe ‘Covert Cobra’. Since he looks a lot like a metal gear character. :rose:


thanks for the names ideas! I’ll probably use one for the skin (don’t worry, I’ll give you the credits)

I thought the same thing when i finished it. hehe :new_moon_with_face:


Kinda looks like an old man pirate to me, so I would name it “Senior Pirate Samurai”


How about “Senior Sensei?”


It’s giving me Karel or Sepheroith vibes


On the attacking sideways frame, when he is swinging his sword back, his body is just a wall. I believe that it needs some more depth, but if that can’t happen it’s fine.


Feels like this fits ninja more than samurai


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