Deca should add hide players feature to the game


Bad calculator.
Should be: 99.9999999990000000001 or something?


The other 0.00000000099999999999% of pet motivation is for friendship when everyone else is offline. :broken_heart: :sob:


Aside from the option, add a hotkey that allows for easy switching between hiding and unhiding players. If you really need to see where the group is or where a nearby priest is, just quickly tap it and then switch it off.

Hiding players seems to be terrible if you’re in a small group, seeing as how you definitely require much more coordination and the fact that fewer players already means much less lag.

This option is more feasible in massive groups such as LH runs or even Shatters run, as there’s a lot of lag and if you’re already familiar with the strategy used in these dungeons, you would likely know where the main group roughly is even without looking at the map. Sure there’s dangers to it, so switch it on if you are aware of the potential hazards and consequences it may give and if you’re willing to accept and overcome them.

Yea, I support this idea


If the group is so huge that players need to hide all the other players—honestly that means the group is too big. And if the game design is ‘forcing’ players to only play hiding in humongous tank groups… looking at the public LHs here… that’s faulty content design.

The game has the /85 max player cap for a reason, and if players want to ignore this deliberately, I don’t think the game should be redesigned around that idea. I think it’s backwards-way-around design, lag will still be there, and players would be suddenly encouraged to try 200 person dungeons that the servers still couldn’t cope with.

Although the /85 has been set at that since ancient times, before pets effectively doubled the on-screen graphic mess, so I would make a more simple change - lower it to something like /65, which is by far enough players to tackle anything, ween people off these dumb massive groups.

All that said, obviously if it were possible, having a toggle on-off, or a fade-out option on other players, and especially pets, I wouldn’t really object to it, same as how I use the projectiles OFF. But it seems contrary for an MMO to have options to pretend you’re playing a solo game, and how the servers seem to work, I can’t see this being a simple idea. But what do I know.


Mmmm, yea, I agree with that. While there’s a cap of 85 per realm, a cap could be put in place in dungeons that is <85.

And that fade-out option, that might reduce lag, and allow you to actually see the bullets coming towards you in a sizeable group. That’s a neat idea


Dungeons do have a limit to how many players can connect. There’s just so many players connecting at once (lost halls, shatters, whatever event dungeon you can think of) that the limit really doesnt apply there.

And for the “Hide players” feature, change the transparency of the players could also be an option. It would allow for RLs(or whoever is in the dungeon) to see players and other things such as enemy projectiles, enemies and so on


Yes I agree


wait a minute im a orange star


edit that out please, directly mentioning pservers by name is against the rules

good choice tho tbh

Log out of your account and log back in, it’ll update your star level and colour.


sound like its another hacked client feature(i just did my research) that would prob reduce lag for ppl with bad pcs


This is a really debatable concept. Having more players visible causes more lag and disruptions, but the whole point of RotMG is about cooperation (though it doesn’t always happen that way). Without being able to see players for the cost lag, you can’t help others and others can’t help you. However, some people are fine with working alone. I’m open to both sides.


what about changing opacity, so the players are transparent? or at least remove their name tags and all


Like a slider! So you can easily adjust the player opacity! Niceeeeee


you can still see peoples shadows if you hide tham


But you wouldn’t know who can buff/heal/support/etc


Wouldn’t a lesser player opacity still cause the same amount of lag?


Perhaps but it would help in a crowded lh to see where you are etc


Oh…That’s a good idea. I like it.


Yes, my computer drops to like 10fps when theres more than 60 ppl in a lost halls. So making the players transparent would help so much more. Basically, the less things that my computer has to focus on showing, the better performance it will get.


I think there is still a lot that can be removed for better game optimizing but it will all be useless to implement it now because those things will cause little to no lag in the unity version.