Defender class


Defender class would be another tank-type class such as knight
Weapon: sword
Ability: wall
Armor: heavy armor

Stats (when maxed)
Def: 40
Vit: 75
Spd: 30
Wis: 45
Dex: 50
Att: 30
Mp: 200
Hp: 800

Wall: Screenshot_13 Showing: T0
Is truly a “Bullet Sponge” blocks enemy bullets, takes damage from them; amount of damage done to wall depends on the damage bullet would do to a player with 0 defense, effectively protecting players from enemy fire unless bullets have piercing property, while monsters can’t shoot through the wall unless their bullets have piercing property, players bullets freely pass through the wall. Wall’s hp depends on tier, and they despawn after 20 seconds.
T0 Brick wall hp: 50
T1 Steel wall hp: 100
T2 Magic wall hp: 200
T3 Wall of blocking hp: 300
T4 Wall of secret stronghold hp: 500
T5 Wall of divine magic hp: 700
T6 Wall of inhumane blocking hp: 1000

Concepts for UT ones:
Indestructible wall: cannot be destroyed by anything despawns after 1 second, cooldown of 20 seconds
Defender’s shield: 500 hp, cannot be pierced by enemies even with piercing property, despawns after 10 seconds
The knight: also 500 hp, attacks enemies in his line of sight, despawns after 10 seconds

Minor & miscellanious characteristics:
Unlocked after reaching level 20 with all of the other classes
Slightly heavier than a knight (on ice)
Based on my creation since childhood
(Probably will add more in the future)

Idle:Screenshot_14 Screenshot_8 Screenshot_19
Attack:Screenshot_21 Screenshot_22 Screenshot_12 Screenshot_11
Walk: Screenshot_23 Screenshot_25 Screenshot_16 Screenshot_17 Screenshot_9 Screenshot_10
Currently working on fixing the sprites, let me know if there’s something else that needs fixing.

Defender class V2

I like the idea but he looks like he’s watching porn.


This is beautiful, he’s literally just a guy carrying a wall, it’s amazing

I can’t even tell if this is a serious idea


Put this in the best of the best please


this is a god class holy shit
Defender Class > Samurai Class


New Sprite Sheet (If you want to use):

DefenderFrontStand DefenderFrontWalk1 DefenderFrontWalk2 DefenderFrontAttack1 DefenderFrontAttack2
DefenderSideStand DefenderSideWalk1 DefenderSideWalk2 DefenderSideAttack1 DefenderSideAttack2
DefenderBackStand DefenderBackWalk1 DefenderBackWalk2 DefenderBackAttack1 DefenderBackAttack2

Color Sheet: (ffffff, e6e6e6, e6e6e6, bfbfbf, 999999, 767676, 363636, 000000, 9c4523, 873c1c)


It was fun making this! (Side attacks are a little wonky)

Great idea, keep up the good work!


that one looks too knight-like but i get that the original one needs fixing i cant even tell what its supposed to be


honestly, now that I think about it, I could of made the ‘shield’ larger or use this as a knight skin :confused:


as of matter the fact it’s a serious idea


infact i tried to replicate his skin as accurately as it was in my head since childhood


you’ve been playing a little bit too much fortnite my guy


I’ve never played fortnite, can’t be bothered with that game just so you know


The concept of a bullet-blocker is not 100% original, as like many ideas, it’s been suggested before - though not centered around a new class.
I like the idea on paper: however, there’s still a notable amount of (endgame) bosses that can be cheesed with multiple Defenders - namely, Shatters bosses. Pick up one of those indestructible-wall-things, put them on two Defenders, cheese your way through 1st and 3rd.


Updated some sprites, also here’s a shield template for someone who want to create better insignia: Screenshot_18


Got this problem covered, at least i think so…


Wait… you don’t know if drawing a dick is appropriate?! I’m worried for you Spud.


same tbh


I remember the idea for a shield that could deflect bullets

e.g. pressing spacebar would destroy enemy projectiles


[heavy panting]
