Do you like the planned sword nerf?


i dont have a colo :\


I like the cutlass but I find it situational


real talk, cutlass is easy to get


it’s probably closer to 200 due to chains and characters that are not dead yet

no sign of cutlass yet :disappointed_relieved:



i have like 4 and i barely do ddocks

its better than a tiered sword in every way. higher fire rate, higher dps, faster shot speed. the .2 range reduction is minuscule and melees are so fat anyway they can take the extra shots.


Yes, I agree that’s broken as fuck. But, shouldn’t we ‘fix’ pets not melees?


I couldn’t agree more, pets have (or always were) been useless unless they had a specific set of abilities from the get go (MP heal, HP heal, electric for example). And honestly, it would take a full rework of how pets function if we ever want to see any change in that area.


they cant fix pets since people have spent a lot of $$$$ on them


I use the incomdomable


Indomptable is objectively a bad sword. It has terrible dps, the shot speed and fire rate makes its piercing useless and it gives you - 10 def.




It is great with the helm as it gives berserk a do’s increase for a short time, but I have a good magic heal pet so it balances


When compared to other swords on a berserk warrior, Indomptable loses out to just about everything. The only time it loses out is to pixie at high def (a place pixie is notorious for being bad) and csword at even higher def. And when a sword can barely outdamage a csword… That says something. Even with piercing, it’s a pretty bad item.


DPS graphs never do rightful service to pierce, while overvaluing hitting all shots on multishot weapons, doing a double whammy to visually underrep Indompt.

If due to being far away you are only partially hitting with Pixie/Dblade. the DPS drops way down.

But if due to pierce you can hit 2+ enemies, you are running with 2x the DPS, or more.
Imagine Indomptible’s black line raised up to begin at over 5000, and that’s why the item has worth. If you are able to hit two or more enemies there is no better sword. (But that is a mighty big ‘IF’.) An entirely situational item: it can be either great or terrible depending on what you’re fighting.

(Side thought @Pfiffel, the DPS charts could represent multishots better, by having additional fainter lines to rep partial hits, so eg. Pixie would have the high line for ‘all 4’, and then three lesser lines for 3, 2, 1 hits. Toggleable off/on? :pray::blush: )

Edit: made the IF bigger.


This is true, but remember that, even with piercing, Indomptable still has numerous disadvantages when it comes to getting in dps: slow shot speed makes hitting stuff very difficult, and low RoF means that any missed shots will significantly lower your dps. In addition, the -10 def makes getting close dangerous, limiting the time the player has to even have the chance of damaging the target.

That being said, I do think it would be cool to add in those lines, just to see how multishot swords would fare.


Yeah, vs castle walls and in O1’s big balls phase are about the only times I regularly use it. Tried doing it with drag+kiting gods, so they group up and follow you, letting you hit them all, but that really didn’t seem worth the effort. Bellas when the moving enemies group up too, though only did that once. Very niche use.

Edit: further reading: The point of Indomptable · Indomptable: not as good as was thought?


Do you think there will be a big change in melee classes?
do you think the nerf is good? what’s your opinion?
So melee class will be balanced now and it will not be very op now?

Ps:(Sorry for my bad grammar)

[Edit: merged post and replies onto the earlier topic. -Nevov]


I actually think it’s a buff. Swords still will have rediculous damage and the higher shot speed will help newbies.


Personally, I don’t care that much as I don’t use tiered swords much, I’m really blind when it comes to noticing DPS, and that I just wanna look at all the sprites in Realm.


so what i understand is only the tiered swords got nerfed, not ut/st? in that case it doesnt really change anything since cutlass is the best sword anyways.


After raging myself in my thoughts about the nerf, I came to the conclusion that even thought reducing damage is kinda stupid, it is also pointless, since it won’t reduce the amount of time I will play with melees at all. Also, Melees are still the best classes for any content, because of the buffs/stun/armor break they provide (also they can rush too, when needed). So I guess neither other players that already use melees a lot will reduce the playing time with them.
This nerf just makes the game a tiny bit more slower for melees. Maybe that can be called balancing.

Also, this only applies to tiered swords, not ut/st as already said by other players.