Double Verification Trade


Right now game is plagued by scammer’s who are using cheats to take your items without paying for various ways and all is that because actual trade system is easy to manipulate with cheats.
My idea is to put Double Verification in Trading like Runescape have. That way even if someone use cheats to autoclaim or even other shits to take items without paying then still he will need to accept another verification where you wont be able to uncheck item only Accept and Decline buttons. This way situation with trading cheaters will be solved.
P.S: Poll is only for observation. It doesn’t change anything with idea

  • I want Double Verification in Trading System.
  • I don’t want since I don’t care what is going on in game.

0 voters


Lmao, the only way you can get scammed by a hacker is if you use a hacked client as well or if you’re not paying attention, which is your own fault.

Also, nice way to put poll options, so one sounds like you’re a piece of shit if you choose that.

Fuck you.


What about deselect hack assited…

It exist…


I have a strange feeling you write this because you just got scammed…


At beginning it was the case but later I was thinking that why other’s must suffer this since hacks in this days to trading are getting better as long system doesn’t change in years.
So I though that “Double Verification” will be good idea since other idea what I saw “Auction House” can easily rid that problem also but to implement that system will take a lot more time than “Double Verification” .

Oh and answer to Herkuzz. Such a answer is good since in previous I gave choice where you can put idea in comments however ppls who choice that never put this ideas there plus if you have better idea then you are free to put in comments since doesn’t agree without word/better idea means only that you don’t really care what is happening in game as long it doesn’t reach you.
Remember Herkuzz that doing nothing about crime’s doesn’t make you innocent.
You might not scam but that way you allow for this what make you same guilty as this who scamming/cheating. Everyone who think that it should be done something about this shows that they don’t want cheats and scam’s in this game.


What? It’s the victim’s own fault they got scammed. In fact it’s the victims stupidity that allows for scamming to happen. Why are you blaming people that have nothing to do with this problem as the cause of it.


Good job making the opposite group look evil, even though people who get scammed are at fault :ok_hand:


Panytnaa already mentioned that deselect hack assist exist also what helps to deselect in last second without noticing by victim. And if you want to bring fact that deselecting reset accepted offers then sorry but if assist is coordinated good with claiming hack then it’s able to accept in mili seconds when for reset offers game need 1 second.


You yourself still cannot accept, even if the other player does, meaning it is still your fault. Please git gud


Yeah because obviously the victims must be so stupid as to not see an item deselected. It’s not instantaneous as you say because theres something called a trade delay.


I don’t say that there aren’t incidents what happened by not paying attention but we can’t saying that there isn’t a way to negate all barrier’s what offer actual Trade System. Plus I already saw a guy who had deselect system what was able to deselect and accept again in less than 1 sec when reset need 1 sec so not all victim’s are in fault when such a cheats are in work.


You seems to not knowing about auto claim cheat what allow you to accept in any time you want so enough to wait when you select all items and then start cheat to made rest of work.


All victims are at fault because they dont have the brains to see if the other person has items selected. And if they get distracted that’s even more of their fault.


Oh so you saying that victims are in fault but cheater’s are pure and allowed to use that because victims don’t use brain ? Go somewhere else with that invalid argument.
Just because victims are in fault it doesn’t give right for other’s to use at their favor cheats to do that.


10/10 strawman

this is bs


Let me explain it this way. If some people weren’t so stupid, scamming would never happen. People would just be able to see and scamming would be nonexsistent

One thing you can never change is people wanting to cheat and scam. But the thing you can change is making people knowledgeable of it so they dont get scammed. And if people arent knowledgeable enough to know, then it’s their fault.


It reminds me a guy who 10 year ago said to me that cheats to MMO games doesn’t exist. Same here you guys prefer to put fault only on victims and turn back to this problem.
Anyway you guys can argue as much you want but it wont change a fact that Trade System need to be changed so go a head and argue more however I won’t answering since I don’t have time to arguing about something what should be obviously changed.
So cheers to this who search argue instead solution.


Man, I got scammed because I was being a total dumbass, but DECA should fix this so dumbasses like me don’t fall for the simplest trick there is! Yes, please stop working on new content, new classes, and new ideas just for dumbasses like me!




Cheers to those who want Deca to waste useless time into a useless feature that is pointless